PHP code example of lyhty / macros

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lyhty/macros library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lyhty / macros example snippets

$query = User::query()->selectKey();

$query->toSql(); // "select `id` from `users`"

$query = User::query()
    ->whereLike('name', 'Matti Suo', 'right')
    ->orWhereLike('name', 'ranie')
    ->orWhereLike('name', 'mi', 'left');

// "select * from `users` where (`users`.`name` LIKE ?) or (`users`.`name` LIKE ?) or (`users`.`name` LIKE ?)"
// First ? being "Matti Suo%", second "%ranie%" and third "%mi"

$query = User::query()->whereLike('', 'Apex Leg', 'right');

// select * from `users` where (exists
//   (select * from `games` where `users`.`id` = `games`.`user_id` and `games`.`name` LIKE ?)
// )
// ? being "Apex Leg%"

$query = User::query()->whereLike(['', ''], 'Xbox');

// select * from `users` where (exists (select * from `games` where `users`.`id` = `games`.`user_id` and (exists
// (select * from `consoles` where `games`.`console_id` = `consoles`.`id` and (`consoles`.`name` LIKE ?)) or exists
// (select * from `platforms` inner join `platform_game` on `platforms`.`id` = `platform_game`.`platform_id` where
// `games`.`id` = `platform_game`.`game_id` and (`platforms`.`name` LIKE ?)))))
// ? being "Xbox"

$query = User::query()->selectRawArr([
    'concat(`id`, "-", `name`) as id_name',
    'concat(`email`, "-", `name`) as email_name'
// 🤩

$query->first()->toArray(); // ["id_name" => "1-Matti", "email_name" => "[email protected]"]

// Instead of:
$query = User::query()->selectRaw('concat(`id`, "-", `name`) as id_name, concat(`email`, "-", `name`) as email_name');
// 🤢

$data = new Collection([1,2,3]);

$data->mergeMany([4], [5], [6]); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

$data = User::query()->get();

$data->pick(['id', 'name', 'metadata.loggedIn'])->toArray();
// [[1, "Matti Suoraniemi", true], [2, "Foo Bar", false]]

$data->pick(['id', 'name', 'metadata.loggedIn'], 1)->toArray();
// [
//   ["id" => 1, "name" => "Matti Suoraniemi", "loggedIn" => true],
//   ["id" => 2, "name" => "Foo Bar", "loggedIn" => false]
// ]

$data->pick(['id', 'name', 'metadata.loggedIn'], 2)->toArray();
// [
//   ["id" => 1, "name" => "Matti Suoraniemi", "metadata" => ["loggedIn" => true]],
//   ["id" => 2, "name" => "Foo Bar", "metadata" => ["loggedIn" => false]]
// ]

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

$data = new Collection([

$data->whereExtends(Model::class)->count(); // 4

use App\Contracts\PlayableOnConsole;

$data = new Collection([

$data->whereImplements(PlayableOnConsole::class)->toArray(); // ["App\Models\Game"]

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;

$data = new Collection([

$data->whereUses(Notifiable::class)->toArray(); // ["App\Models\User"]

Arr::associate(['foo']); // ["foo" => null]
Arr::associate(['foo', 'bar' => []], []); // ["foo" => [], "bar" => []]
Arr::associate(['foo', 'bar' => []], fn () => Arr::random(['foo', 'bar'])); // ["foo" => "foo", "bar" => []]
Arr::associate([fn () => Str::reverse('foo'), 'bar' => []]); // ["oof" => null, "bar" => []]

Arr::combine(['foo', 'zoo'], ["bar", "gar"]); // ["foo" => "bar", "zoo" => "gar"]
Arr::combine(['foo', 'zoo'], ["bar"]); // ["foo" => "bar", "zoo" => null]

$array = ['foo' => 'bar', 'zoo' => 'gar'];

Arr::fillKeys($array, ['foo', 'zoo'], null); // ["foo" => null, "zoo" => null]
Arr::fillKeys($array, ['foo', 'zoo', 'boo'], null); // ["foo" => null, "zoo" => null, "boo" => null]
Arr::fillKeys($array, ['foo', 'zoo', 'boo'], null, true); // ["foo" => null, "zoo" => null]

$array = ['foo', 'bar'];

(string) Arr::implode($array, ' ')->upper(); // "FOO BAR"

Arr::join(['foo', 'bar', 'zoo'], ', ', ' and '); // "foo, bar and zoo"

Arr::zip(['foo' => 'bar', 'zoo' => 'gar'], ':'); // ["foo:bar", "zoo:gar"]

Arr::unzip(['foo:bar', 'zoo:gar'], ':'); // ["foo" => "bar", "zoo" => "gar"]

Str::explodeReverse('', '.', 2)->toArray(); // ['games.platforms', 'name']

// Whereas normal explode function would do:
explode('.', '', 2); // ['games', '']

Str::wrapWith('foo', ':'); // ":foo:"
Str::wrapWith('bar', '<', '>'); // "<bar>"
Str::wrapWith('!zoo', '!'); // "!zoo!"

Str::wrapWith(':foo', ':'); // ":foo:"
Str::wrap(':foo', ':'); // "::foo:"

Str::of('')->explodeReverse('.', 2)->toArray(); // ['games.platforms', 'name']

// Whereas normal explode function would do:
Str::of('')->explode('.', 2)->toArray(); // ['games', '']

(string) Str::of('foo')->upper()->wrapWith(':'); // ":FOO:"
(string) Str::of('bar')->upper()->wrapWith('<', '>'); // "<BAR>"
(string) Str::of('!zoo')->upper()->wrapWith('!'); // "!ZOO!"

$dates = CarbonPeriod::between('yesterday', 'today')->collect();

$dates->first()->toDateTimeString(); // "2022-06-14 00:00:00"