PHP code example of lyhoshva / yii2-cover-behavior

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lyhoshva/yii2-cover-behavior library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lyhoshva / yii2-cover-behavior example snippets

class Article extends ActiveRecord
    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'image' => [
                'class' => CoverBehavior::className(),
                'modelAttribute' => 'image_name', // attribute, which will contains image_name
                // virtual attribute, which is used for image uploading ("image" by default)
                'relationReferenceAttribute' => 'image', 
                'path' => 'uploads/articles/', // path to upload directory 

    public function rules()
        return [
            [['image'], '

public function behaviors()
        'cover' => [
                'class' => CoverBehavior::className(),
                'modelAttribute' => 'cover_name',
                'relationAttribute' => 'cover',
                // not tributeFilePath' => 'cover_path',
                'fileNameGenerator' => function ($model) {
                    return Inflector::slug($model->name);

public function behaviors()
        return [
            'image' => [
                'class' => CoverBehavior::className(),
                'modelAttribute' => 'image_name', // attribute, which will be handled
                // virtual attribute, which is used for image uploading ("image" by default)
                'relationReferenceAttribute' => 'image', 
                'path' => 'uploads/articles/', // path to upload directory 
                'thumbnails' => [
                        'prefix' => 'thumb_', //image prefix for thumbnail
                        'width' => 220, // max width
                        'height' => 160, // max height
                        'mode' => CoverBehavior::THUMBNAIL_INSET, 