PHP code example of lyhiving / qcloud-cos-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lyhiving/qcloud-cos-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lyhiving / qcloud-cos-client example snippets

$config = [
    // 必填,app_id、secret_id、secret_key 
    // 可在个人秘钥管理页查看:
    'app_id' => 10020201024, 
    'secret_id' => 'AKIDsiQzQla780mQxLLU2GJCxxxxxxxxxxx', 
    'secret_key' => 'b0GMH2c2NXWKxPhy77xhHgwxxxxxxxxxxx',
    // 可选(批量处理接口必填),腾讯云账号 ID
    // 可在腾讯云控制台账号信息中查看:
    'uin' => '10000*******', 
    // 可选,地域列表请查看
    'region' => 'ap-guangzhou', 

    // 可选,仅在调用不同的接口时按场景必填
    'bucket' => 'example', // 使用 Bucket 接口时必填
    // 可选,签名有效期,默认 60 分钟
    'signature_expires' => '+60 minutes', 
    // 可选,guzzle 配置
    // 参考:
    'guzzle' => [
        // ...

array|null $response->toArray(); // 获取响应内容数组转换结果                                                
object $response->toObject(); // 获取对象格式的返回值
bool $response->isXML(); // 检测返回内容是否为 XML
string $response->getContents(); // 获取原始返回内容

use Overtrue\CosClient\ServiceClient;

$config = [
    // 请参考配置说明
$service = new ServiceClient($config);


use Overtrue\CosClient\JobClient;

$config = [
    // 请参考配置说明

$job = new JobClient($config);

## API

$job->getJobs(array $query = []);
$job->createJob(array $body);
$job->describeJob(string $id);
$job->updateJobPriority(string $id, int $priority);
$job->updateJobStatus(string $id, array $query);

use Overtrue\CosClient\BucketClient;

$config = [
    // 请参考配置说明
    'bucket' => 'example',
    'region' => 'ap-guangzhou',

$bucket = new BucketClient($config);

## API

$bucket->putBucket(array $body); 
$bucket->getObjects(array $query = []);
$bucket->getObjectVersions(array $query = []);

// Versions
$bucket->putVersions(array $body);

// ACL
$bucket->putACL(array $body, array $headers = [])

$bucket->putCORS(array $body);

// Lifecycle
$bucket->putLifecycle(array $body);

// Policy
$bucket->putPolicy(array $body);

// Referer
$bucket->putReferer(array $body);

// Taging
$bucket->putTaging(array $body);

// Website
$bucket->putWebsite(array $body);

// Inventory
$bucket->putInventory(string $id, array $body)
$bucket->getInventory(string $id)
$bucket->getInventoryConfigurations(?string $nextContinuationToken = null)
$bucket->deleteInventory(string $id)

// Versioning
$bucket->putVersioning(array $body);

// Replication
$bucket->putReplication(array $body);

// Logging
$bucket->putLogging(array $body);

// Accelerate
$bucket->putAccelerate(array $body);

// Encryption
$bucket->putEncryption(array $body);

use Overtrue\CosClient\ObjectClient;

$config = [
    // 请参考配置说明
    'bucket' => 'example',
    'region' => 'ap-guangzhou',

$object = new ObjectClient($config);

$object->putObject(string $key, string $body, array $headers = []);
$object->copyObject(string $key, array $headers = []);
$object->getObject(string $key, array $query = [], array $headers = []);
$object->headObject(string $key, string $versionId, array $headers = []);
$object->restoreObject(string $key, string $versionId, array $body);
$object->selectObjectContents(string $key, array $body);
$object->deleteObject(string $key, string $versionId);
$object->deleteObjects(array $body);

$object->putObjectACL(string $key, array $body, array $headers = []);
$object->getObjectACL(string $key);

$object->putObjectTagging(string $key, string $versionId, array $body);
$object->getObjectTagging(string $key, string $versionId);
$object->deleteObjectTagging(string $key, string $versionId);

$object->createUploadId(string $key, array $headers = []);
$object->putPart(string $key, int $partNumber, string $uploadId, string $body, array $headers = []);
$object->copyPart(string $key, int $partNumber, string $uploadId, array $headers = []);
$object->markUploadAsCompleted(string $key, string $uploadId, array $body);
$object->markUploadAsAborted(string $key, string $uploadId);
$object->getUploadJobs(array $query = []);
$object->getUploadedParts(string $key, string $uploadId, array $query = []);

$object->getObjectUrl(string $key)
$object->getObjectSignedUrl(string $key, string $expires = '+60 minutes')

use Overtrue\CosClient\BucketClient;

$client = new BucketClient([
    'app_id' => 123456789,
    'secret_id' => 'AKIDsiQzQla780mQxLLUxxxxxxx',
    'secret_key' => 'b0GMH2c2NXWKxPhy77xxxxxxxx',
    'region' => 'ap-guangzhou',
    'bucket' => 'example',

try {
} catch(\Throwable $e) {

use Overtrue\CosClient\Http\Response;
use Overtrue\CosClient\ServiceClient;

$service = ServiceClient::spy();

$mockResponse = Response::create(200, [], '<ListAllMyBucketsResult>
