PHP code example of luzrain / telegram-bot-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download luzrain/telegram-bot-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


luzrain / telegram-bot-api example snippets

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\BotApi;

$httpFactory = new HttpFactory();
$httpClient = new Client(['http_errors' => false]);

$bot = new BotApi(
    requestFactory: $httpFactory,
    streamFactory: $httpFactory,
    client: $httpClient,
    token: 'API_TOKEN',

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendMessage(
    chatId: 123456789,
    text: 'Example text',

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

$replyKeyboard = new Type\ReplyKeyboardMarkup(
    oneTimeKeyboard: true,
    resizeKeyboard: true,
    keyboard: Type\KeyboardButtonArrayBuilder::create()
        ->addButton(new Type\KeyboardButton(text: 'Button 1'))
        ->addButton(new Type\KeyboardButton(text: 'Button 2'))
        ->addButton(new Type\KeyboardButton(text: 'Web App', webApp: new Type\WebAppInfo('')))
        ->addButton(new Type\KeyboardButton(text: 'Create Poll', requestPoll: new Type\KeyboardButtonPollType())),

// For keyboard remove
// $replyKeyboard = new Type\ReplyKeyboardRemove();

 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendMessage(
    chatId: 123456789,
    text: 'Example text',
    replyMarkup: $replyKeyboard,

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

$inlineKeyboard = new Type\InlineKeyboardMarkup(
    inlineKeyboard: Type\InlineKeyboardButtonArrayBuilder::create()
        ->addButton(new Type\InlineKeyboardButton(text: 'Url button', url: ''))
        ->addButton(new Type\InlineKeyboardButton(text: 'Callback button', callbackData: 'callback_data'))
        ->addButton(new Type\InlineKeyboardButton(text: 'Iinline query', switchInlineQueryCurrentChat: 'test')),

 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendMessage(
    chatId: 123456789,
    text: 'Example text',
    replyMarkup: $inlineKeyboard ,

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

 * Upload image from local filesystem
 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendPhoto(
    chatId: 123456789,
    photo: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/img/15311661465960.jpg'),

 * Send image from the Internet
 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendPhoto(
    chatId: 123456789,
    photo: '',

 * Upload Document
 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendDocument(
    chatId: 123456789,
    document: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/files/'),
    thumbnail: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/img/thumb.jpg'),
    caption: 'Test file',

 * You can also use these methods:
 * SendPhoto, SendAudio, SendDocument, SendVideo, SendAnimation, SendVoice, SendVideoNote

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

 * @var Type\Message[] $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendMediaGroup(
    chatId: 123456789,
    media: [
        new Type\InputMediaPhoto(
            media: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/img/15311661465960.jpg'),
            caption: 'Test media 1',
        new Type\InputMediaPhoto(
            media: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/img/16176321866250.png'),
            caption: 'Test media 2',

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\ClientApi;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Event;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

$client = new ClientApi();

// Handle any type of update
$client->on(new Event\Update(function(Type\Update $update) {
    // Any update received

// Handle /ping command
$client->on(new Event\Command('/ping', function(Type\Message $message) {
     * You can return any Method object from here, and it will be sent as an answer to the webhook.
     * Be aware that your cannot send methods with uploading local files from here, use BotApi instead.
    return new Method\SendMessage(
        chatId: $message->chat->id,
        text: 'pong!',

// Handle text messages
$client->on(new Event\Message(function(Type\Message $message) {
    return new Method\SendMessage(
        chatId: $message->chat->id,
        text: 'Your message: ' . $message->text,
