PHP code example of luongtran / infusionsoft-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download luongtran/infusionsoft-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


luongtran / infusionsoft-php example snippets

$infusionsoft = new \Infusionsoft\Infusionsoft(array(
	'clientSecret' => 'XXXXXXXXXX',
	'redirectUri'  => '',

// If the serialized token is available in the session storage, we tell the SDK
// to use that token for subsequent requests.
if (isset($_SESSION['token'])) {

// If we are returning from Infusionsoft we need to exchange the code for an
// access token.
if (isset($_GET['code']) and !$infusionsoft->getToken()) {

if ($infusionsoft->getToken()) {
	// Save the serialized token to the current session for subsequent requests
	$_SESSION['token'] = serialize($infusionsoft->getToken());

} else {
	echo '<a href="' . $infusionsoft->getAuthorizationUrl() . '">Click here to authorize</a>';

// Setup your Infusionsoft object here, then set your token either via the request or from storage

$infusionsoft->contacts->add(array('FirstName' => 'John', 'LastName' => 'Doe'));

 $tasks = $infusionsoft->tasks()->all();

 $task = $infusionsoft->tasks()->find($taskId);

 $tasks = $infusionsoft->tasks()->where('status', 'completed')->get();

 $tasks = $infusionsoft->tasks()->where(['status' => 'completed', 'user_id' => '45'])->get();

 $task = $infusionsoft->tasks()->create([
    'title' => 'My First Task',
    'description' => 'Better get it done!'

 $task->title = 'A better task title';


 $tasks = $infusionsoft->tasks()->sync($syncId);

// Setup your Infusionsoft object here, then set your token either via the request or from storage


$datetime = new \DateTime('now',new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));



use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;

$logger = new Logger('client');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('infusionsoft.log'));


    "fusionsoft/php-sdk": "1.2.*"

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Infusionsoft\FrameworkSupport\Laravel\InfusionsoftServiceProvider"

 $data = Infusionsoft::query("Contact",1000,0,['Id' => '123'],['Id','FirstName','LastName','Email'], 'Id', false);

 $data = app('infusionsoft')->query("Contact",1000,0,['Id' => '123'],['Id','FirstName','LastName','Email'], 'Id', false);


 $data = app('infusionsoft')->query("Contact",1000,0,['Id' => '123'],['Id','FirstName','LastName','Email'], 'Id', false);