PHP code example of lunarstorm / laravel-ddd

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lunarstorm/laravel-ddd library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lunarstorm / laravel-ddd example snippets

'autoload' => [
    'providers' => true,
    'commands' => true,
    'policies' => true,
    'factories' => true,

'autoload_ignore' => [

use Lunarstorm\LaravelDDD\Facades\DDD;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo;

DDD::filterAutoloadPathsUsing(function (SplFileInfo $file) {
    if (basename($file->getRelativePathname()) === 'functions.php') {
        return false;

// 'autoload' => [
//     'providers' => true,
//     'commands' => true,
//     'policies' => true,
//     'factories' => true,
// ],

return [

    | Domain Path
    | The path to the domain folder relative to the application root.
    'domain_path' => 'src/Domain',

    | Domain Namespace
    | The root domain namespace.
    'domain_namespace' => 'Domain',

    | Domain Object Namespaces
    | This value contains the default namespaces of generated domain
    | objects relative to the domain namespace of which the object
    | belongs to.
    | e.g., Domain\Invoicing\Models\*
    |       Domain\Invoicing\Data\*
    |       Domain\Invoicing\ViewModels\*
    |       Domain\Invoicing\ValueObjects\*
    |       Domain\Invoicing\Actions\*
    'namespaces' => [
        'model' => 'Models',
        'data_transfer_object' => 'Data',
        'view_model' => 'ViewModels',
        'value_object' => 'ValueObjects',
        'action' => 'Actions',
        'cast' => 'Casts',
        'class' => '',
        'channel' => 'Channels',
        'command' => 'Commands',
        'enum' => 'Enums',
        'event' => 'Events',
        'exception' => 'Exceptions',
        'factory' => 'Database\Factories',
        'interface' => '',
        'job' => 'Jobs',
        'listener' => 'Listeners',
        'mail' => 'Mail',
        'notification' => 'Notifications',
        'observer' => 'Observers',
        'policy' => 'Policies',
        'provider' => 'Providers',
        'resource' => 'Resources',
        'rule' => 'Rules',
        'scope' => 'Scopes',
        'trait' => '',

    | Base Model
    | The base class which generated domain models should extend. By default,
    | generated domain models will extend `Domain\Shared\Models\BaseModel`,
    | which will be created if it doesn't already exist.
    'base_model' => 'Domain\Shared\Models\BaseModel',

    | Base DTO
    | The base class which generated data transfer objects should extend. By
    | default, generated DTOs will extend `Spatie\LaravelData\Data` from
    | Spatie's Laravel-data package, a highly recommended data object
    | package to work with.
    'base_dto' => 'Spatie\LaravelData\Data',

    | Base ViewModel
    | The base class which generated view models should extend. By default,
    | generated domain models will extend `Domain\Shared\ViewModels\BaseViewModel`,
    | which will be created if it doesn't already exist.
    'base_view_model' => 'Domain\Shared\ViewModels\ViewModel',

    | Base Action
    | The base class which generated action objects should extend. By default,
    | generated actions are based on the `lorisleiva/laravel-actions` package
    | and do not extend anything.
    'base_action' => null,

    | Autoloading
    | Configure whether domain providers, commands, policies, and factories
    | should be auto-discovered and registered.
    'autoload' => [
         * When enabled, any class within the domain layer extending `Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider`
         * will be auto-registered as a service provider
        'providers' => true,

         * When enabled, any class within the domain layer extending `Illuminate\Console\Command`
         * will be auto-registered as a command when running in console.
        'commands' => true,

         * When enabled, the package will register a custom policy discovery callback to resolve policy names
         * for domain models, and fallback to Laravel's default for all other cases.
        'policies' => true,

         * When enabled, the package will register a custom factory discovery callback to resolve factory names
         * for domain models, and fallback to Laravel's default for all other cases.
        'factories' => true,

    | Autoload Ignore Folders
    | Folders that should be skipped during autoloading discovery,
    | relative to the root of each domain.
    | e.g., src/Domain/Invoicing/<folder-to-ignore>
    | If more advanced filtering is needed, a callback can be registered
    | using the `DDD::filterAutoloadPathsUsing(callback $filter)` in
    | the AppServiceProvider's boot method.
    'autoload_ignore' => [

    | Caching
    | The folder where the domain cache files will be stored. Used for domain
    | autoloading.
    'cache_directory' => 'bootstrap/cache/ddd',
php artisan ddd:install
php artisan ddd:cache
php artisan ddd:model Invoicing:Payment/Transaction
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Models\Payment\Transaction

php artisan ddd:action Invoicing:Payment/ProcessTransaction
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Actions\Payment\ProcessTransaction

php artisan ddd:exception Invoicing:Payment/PaymentFailedException
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Exceptions\Payment\PaymentFailedException
php artisan ddd:class Invoicing:Support/InvoiceBuilder
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Support\InvoiceBuilder

php artisan ddd:interface Invoicing:Contracts/PayableByCreditCard
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Contracts\PayableByCreditCard

php artisan ddd:interface Invoicing:Models/Concerns/HasLineItems
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Models\Concerns\HasLineItems
# The usual: generate a provider in the configured provider namespace
php artisan ddd:provider Invoicing:InvoiceServiceProvider 
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Providers\InvoiceServiceProvider

# Override the configured namespace at runtime
php artisan ddd:provider Invoicing:/InvoiceServiceProvider
# -> Domain\Invoicing\InvoiceServiceProvider

# Generate an event inside the Models namespace (hypothetical)
php artisan ddd:event Invoicing:/Models/EventDoesNotBelongHere
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Models\EventDoesNotBelongHere

# Deep nesting is supported
php artisan ddd:exception Invoicing:/Models/Exceptions/InvoiceNotFoundException
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Models\Exceptions\InvoiceNotFoundException
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="ddd-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="ddd-stubs"