PHP code example of lunalabs-srl / slimpay-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lunalabs-srl/slimpay-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lunalabs-srl / slimpay-php example snippets

use LunaLabs\SlimPayPhp\SlimPayNotification;
use LunaLabs\SlimPayPhp\Exceptions\SlimPayPhpException;

// Slimpay credentials.
$slimpayConfig = [
    'creditor'   => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
    'appId'      => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
    'baseUri'    => '',
    'profileUri' => '',
    'apiVersion' => 'v1',
    'mode'       => 'iframe' // iframe|redirect

// Instance.
$slimpay = new SlimPayPhp($slimpayConfig);

$data = [
    'started'        => true,
    'locale'         => 'it',
    'paymentScheme'  => 'CARD',
    'creditor'       => ['reference' => 'xxxxxxxxxxx'],
    'items'          => [['type' => 'cardAlias']],
    'subscriber'     => [
        'reference'  => 'yourUniqueUserId',
        'givenName'  => 'John',
        'familyName' => 'Doe',
        'email'      => '[email protected]',
        'telephone'  => '+393470000000',
    'failureUrl' => '',
    'successUrl' => '',
    'cancelUrl'  => ''

try {
    // This call returns a response with the order representation
    // in which you can find the unique ID. Save it to keep the order
    // reference (for example, if the order fails).
    $response = $slimpay->checkout($data);

} catch (SlimPayPhpException $e) {

    // In case of error, you can handle the formatted object response through some useful properties.
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($e->errorFormatter());

$creditCardAlias = $slimpay->getResource('');

$data = [
    'started'    => true,
    'creditor'   => ['reference' => 'xxxxxxxxxxx'],
    'subscriber' => ['reference' => 'yourUniqueUserId'],
    'items'      => [[
        'type' => 'signMandate',
        'mandate' => [
            'signatory' => [
                'givenName'      => 'John',
                'familyName'     => 'Doe',
                'email'          => '[email protected]',
                'telephone'      => '+393470000000',
                'billingAddress' => [
                    'street1'    => 'Address street 123',
                    'postalCode' => '01234',
                    'city'       => 'CityName',
                    'country'    => 'IT'
    'failureUrl' => '',
    'successUrl' => '',
    'cancelUrl'  => ''

try {
    // This call returns a response with the order representation
    // in which you can find the unique ID. Save it to keep the order
    // reference (for example, if the order fails).
    $response = $slimpay->checkout($data);

} catch (SlimPayPhpException $e) {

    // In case of error, you can handle the formatted object response through some useful properties.
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($e->errorFormatter());

try {
    $response = $slimpay->getResource('');

} catch (SlimPayPhpException $e) {

    // In case of error, you can handle the formatted object response through some useful properties.
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($e->errorFormatter());

$notification = new SlimPayNotification();
$response     = $notification->getResponse();

class Log
    public function write($input)
        $path = "./slimpay_notifications.log";
        error_log(json_encode($input), 3, $path);

$customLog    = new Log;
$notification = new SlimPayNotification($customLog);
$response     = $notification->getResponse();