PHP code example of lukasss93 / telegrambot-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lukasss93/telegrambot-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lukasss93 / telegrambot-php example snippets

use TelegramBot\TelegramBot;

$bot = new TelegramBot($token);
    'chat_id' => $update->message->chat->id,
    'text' => 'Hello world!'

use TelegramBot\TelegramBot;

$bot = new TelegramBot($token);

// Load a local file to upload. If is already on Telegram's Servers just pass the resource id
$img = curl_file_create('test.png','image/png');
    'chat_id' => $chat_id, 
    'photo' => $img

$file = $bot->getFile($file_id);
$bot->downloadFile($file->file_path, "./my_downloaded_file_on_local_server.png");

for ($i = 0; $i < count($updates); $i++) {
    //single update

    //$update->message->text => '/test@ExampleBot my args'
    //$command => '/text'

    //$update->message->text => '/test@ExampleBot my args'
    //$args_array[0] => 'my'
    //$args_array[1] => 'args'
    //$args_string => 'my args'

$buttons = [ 
    //First row
        $bot->buildKeyboardButton("Button 1"),
        $bot->buildKeyboardButton("Button 2")
    //Second row 
        $bot->buildKeyboardButton("Button 3"),
        $bot->buildKeyboardButton("Button 4"),
        $bot->buildKeyboardButton("Button 5")], 
    //Third row
        $bot->buildKeyboardButton("Button 6")]
    'chat_id' => $chat_id, 
    'reply_markup' => $bot->buildKeyBoard($buttons), 
    'text' => 'This is a Keyboard Test'

$buttons = [ 
    //First row
        $bot->buildInlineKeyBoardButton("Button 1", $url=""), 
        $bot->buildInlineKeyBoardButton("Button 2", $url="")
    //Second row 
        $bot->buildInlineKeyBoardButton("Button 3", $url=""),
        $bot->buildInlineKeyBoardButton("Button 4", $url=""),
        $bot->buildInlineKeyBoardButton("Button 5", $url="")
    //Third row
        $bot->buildInlineKeyBoardButton("Button 6", $url="")

    'chat_id' => $chat_id, 
    'reply_markup' => $bot->buildInlineKeyBoard($buttons), 
    'text' => 'This is a Keyboard Test'

$bot->buildKeyBoard(array $options, $onetime=true, $resize=true, $selective=true);

$bot->buildInlineKeyBoard(array $inline_keyboard);

$bot->buildInlineKeyBoardButton($text, $url, $callback_data, $switch_inline_query);

$bot->buildKeyBoardButton($text, $url, $request_contact, $request_location);

