PHP code example of lukasss93 / pdf-to-ppm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lukasss93/pdf-to-ppm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lukasss93 / pdf-to-ppm example snippets

use Lukasss93\PdfToPpm\PdfToPpm;

$pdf = PdfToPpm::create()->setPdf($pathToPdf);
$pdf->saveImage($pathToWhereImageShouldBeStored); // it will save the first page

use Lukasss93\PdfToPpm\PdfToPpm;

$pdf = PdfToPpm::create()->setPdf($pathToPdf);

$pdf->getNumberOfPages(); //returns an int

    ->saveImage($pathToWhereImageShouldBeStored); // it saves the second page

    ->saveImage($pathToWhereImageShouldBeStored); // the output wil be a png, no matter what

$pdf->setResolution(200); // sets the resolution

$pdf->setGray(true); // sets the grayscale
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