PHP code example of luizbills / css-generator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download luizbills/css-generator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


luizbills / css-generator example snippets

use luizbills\CSS_Generator\Generator as CSS_Generator;

$options = [
    // default values
    // 'indent_style' => 'space', // you can change to 'tab'
    // 'indent_size' => 4 // 4 spaces by default

$css = new CSS_Generator( $options );

// define your css code (see below)

// output the generated code
echo "<style>" . $css->get_output() . "</style>";

$css->add_rule( 'a', [ 'color' => 'red' ] );

    [ 'p', 'div' ],
        'margin' => '13px',
        'padding' => '9px'

$css->root_variable( 'color1', 'red' );
$css->add_rule( 'a', [ 'color' => 'var(--color3)' ] );
$css->root_variable( 'color2', 'green' );
$css->root_variable( 'color3', 'blue' );

$css->add_comment( 'Lorem ipsum...' )

$css->open_block( 'media', 'screen and (min-width: 30em)' );
$css->add_rule( 'a', [ 'color' => 'red' ] );
$css->close_block(); // close the last opened block

$css->add_rule( '#' . $css->esc( '@' ), [
    'animation' => 'shake 1s'
] );
$css->add_rule( '.' . $css->esc( '3dots' ) . '::after', [
    'content' => '"..."'
] );
$css->add_rule( '.' . $css->esc( 'red:hover' ) . ':hover', [
    'color' => 'red'
] );

$css->add_raw( 'a{color:red}' );

echo $css->get_output( true ); // returns the compressed code
echo $css->get_output( false ); // returns the pretty code