PHP code example of ludovicm67 / php-formbuilder

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ludovicm67/php-formbuilder library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ludovicm67 / php-formbuilder example snippets


/*Display a basic input with type text*/
//Result: <input type="text">
echo FormBuilder::input();

/* Display a basic input with a name attribute */
// Result: <input type="text" name="myName">
echo FormBuilder::input("text", "myName1");

/* Display a basic input with other custom attributes */
// Result: <input type="text" name="myName" id="myId" class="myClass" placeholder="Fill this beautiful field !">
echo FormBuilder::input("text", "myName2", $attrs = [
    "id"            =>  "myId",
    "class"         =>  "myClass",
    "placeholder"   =>  "Fill this beautiful field !"

/* Display a input[type=hidden] */
echo FormBuilder::hidden("myName3", "myValue");

/* Don't want to specify always the type as the first argument? The following is for you : */
// Display a input of type text :
echo FormBuilder::text("myName4");

// Display a input of type password :
echo FormBuilder::password("myName5");

// Display a input of type email :
echo FormBuilder::email("myName6");

/* You can also pass custom attributes */
echo FormBuilder::text("myName7", ["id" => "myId1", "class" => "myClass"]);
echo FormBuilder::password("myName8", ["id" => "myId2", "class" => "myClass"]);
echo FormBuilder::email("myName9", ["id" => "myId3", "class" => "myClass"]);

/* Display a select field : */
// Will display a select field with 4 options, the 3rd one will be disabled
echo FormBuilder::select("mySelect1",
    ['item1', 'item2', 'item3 --disabled', 'item4'],
    ["id" => "myIdSelect1", "class" => "myClass"]);

// Will display a select field with 4 options with value and title, the 3rd one will be disabled
echo FormBuilder::select("mySelect2", [
        'valueItem1'    =>  'titleItem1',
        'valueItem2'    =>  'titleItem2',
        'valueItem3'    =>  'titleItem3 --disabled',
        'valueItem4'    =>  'titleItem4'
    ], ["id" => "myIdSelect1", "class" => "myClass"]);