PHP code example of lucatume / di52

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lucatume/di52 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lucatume / di52 example snippets

 * The application bootstrap file: here the container is provided the minimal set of instructions
 * R__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Start by building an instance of the DI container.
$container = new Container();

// When an instance of `TemplateInterface` is  class needs an instance of the `RepositoryInterface`, then
// return an instance of the `PostsRepository` class.
$container->bind(RepositoryInterface::class, PostsRepository::class);

// But the Users page should use the Users repository.

// Bind primitive values, e.g. public function __construct( int $per_page ) {}

// Fetch the above class without any further definitions

// The `UsersRepository` will 

use lucatume\DI52\App;


$path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
$route = basename(basename($path, '.php'), '.html') ?: 'home';


tainer = new lucatume\DI52\Container();

$container->singleton(DbInterface::class, MySqlDb::class);

tume\DI52\App::singleton(DbInterface::class, MySqlDb::class);

$aliases = [
    ['lucatume\DI52\Container', 'tad_DI52_Container'],
    ['lucatume\DI52\ServiceProvider', 'tad_DI52_ServiceProvider']
foreach ($aliases as list($class, $alias)) {
    if (!class_exists($alias)) {
        class_alias($class, $alias);

class A {
    private $b;
    private $c;

    public function __construct(B $b, C $c){
        $this->b = $b;
        $this->c = $c;

$a = new A(new B(), new C());

class ExtendedB extends B {}

class ExtendedC extends C {}

$a = new a(new ExtendedB(), new ExtendedC());

class A {
    private $b;
    private $c;

    public function __construct(BInterface $b, CInterface $c){
        $this->b = $b;
        $this->c = $c;

class B implements BInterface {}

class C implements CInterface {}

$a = new a(new B(), new C());

// before
$a = new A(new B(), new C());

$a = new A(new BetterB(), new C());

class D implements DInterface{
    public function __construct(AInterface $a, CInterface $c){}

class E {
    public function __construct(DInterface $d){}

$a = new A (new BetterB(), new C());
$d = new D($a, $c);
$e = new E($d);

$database = $serviceLocator->get('database');

use lucatume\DI52\Container;
use lucatume\DI52\App;

// This is a DI Container.
$diContainer = new Container();

// If we make it globally-available, then it will be used by the Service Locator (the `App` class).

// Register a binding in the DI Container.
$diContainer->singleton('database', MySqlDb::class);

// We can now globally, i.e. anywhere in the code, access the `db` service.
$db = App::get('database');

use lucatume\DI52\App;

// Register a binding in the App (Service Locator).
App::singleton('database', MySqlDb::class);

// We can now globally, i.e. anywhere in the code, access the `db` service.
$db = App::get('database');

// file ClassThree.php
class ClassThree {
    private $one;
    private $two;

    public function __construct(ClassOne $one, ClassTwo $two){
        $this->one = $one;
        $this->two = $two;

// The application bootstrap file
use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

$three = $container->get('ClassThree');

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container->setVar('number', 23);

$number = $container->getVar('number');

$container = new tad_DI52_Container();

$container->setVar('randomNumberGenerator', $container->protect(function($val){
    return mt_rand(1,100) + 23;

$randomNumberGenerator = $container->getVar('randomNumberGenerator');

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

// Bind to a class name.
$container->bind(AInterface::class, A::class);
// Bind to a Closure.
$container->bind(BInterface::class, function(){
    return new BetterB();
// Bind to a constructor and methods that should be called on the built object.
$container->bind(CInterface::class, LegacyC::class, ['init','register']);
// Bind to a factory method.
$container->bind(D::interface, [DFactory::class,'buildInstance'])
// Bind to an object, it will be a singleton by default.
$container->bind(E::interface, new EImplementation());

$e = $container->get(F::class);

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container->singleton(DBDriverInterface::class, MYSqlDriver::class);
$container->singleton(RepositoryInterface::class, MYSQLRepository::class);


use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

// Storing vars using the ArrayAccess API.
$container[''] = 'appDb';
$container['db.user'] = 'root';
$container['db.pass'] = 'secret';
$container[''] = 'localhost:3306';

// Bindings can be set using ArrayAccess methods.
$container['db.driver'] = MYSQLDriver::class;

// Bound closures will receive the container instance as argument.
$container['db.connection'] = function($container){
    $host = $container['']
    $user = $container['db.user'],
    $pass = $container['db.pass'],
    $name = $container[''],

    $dbDriver = $container['db.driver'];
    $dbDriver->connect($host, $user, $pass, $name);

    return new DBConnection($dbDriver);

// Equivalent to $container->get('db.connection');
$dbConnection = $container['db.connection'];

// Using ArrayAccess API to store a closure as a variable.
$container['uniqid'] = $container->protect(function(){
    return uniqid('id', true);

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

 * By default any object requiring an implementation of the `CacheInterface`
 * should be given the same instance of `Array Cache`
$container->singleton(CacheInterface::class, ArrayCache::class);

$container->bind(DbCache::class, function($container){
    $cache = $container->get(CacheInterface::class);
    $dbCache = new DbCache($cache);

    return $dbCache;

 * But when an implementation of the `CacheInterface` is requested by
 * `TransactionManager`, then it should be given an instance of `Array Cache`.

 * We can also bind primitives where the container doesn't know how to auto-wire
 * them.
    ->give('mysql://user:[email protected]:3306/app');

 * When primitives are bound to a class the container will correctly resolve them when building the class
 * bound to an interface.
$container->bind(ORMInterface::class, MysqlOrm::class);

// The `ORMInterface` will be resolved an instance of the `MysqlOrm` class, with the `$dbUrl` argument set correctly.
$orm = $container->get(ORMInterface::class);

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container->bind(RepositoryInterface::class, PostRepository::class);
$container->bind(CacheInterface::class, ArrayCache::class);
$container->bind(LoggerInterface::class, FileLogger::class);
// Decorators are built left to right, outer decorators are listed first.
$container->bindDecorators(PostEndpoint::class, [

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container->bind(RepositoryInterface::class, PostRepository::class);
$container->bind(CacheInterface::class, ArrayCache::class);
$container->bind(LoggerInterface::class, FileLogger::class);
// Decorators are built left to right, outer decorators are listed first.
$container->bindDecorators(PostEndpoint::class, [
], ['register']);

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container->bind(RepositoryInterface::class, PostRepository::class);
$container->bind(CacheInterface::class, ArrayCache::class);
$container->bind(LoggerInterface::class, FileLogger::class);
// Decorators are built left to right, outer decorators are listed first.
$container->bindDecorators(PostEndpoint::class, [
], ['register'], true);

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container->bind(UnsupportedEndpoint::class, function($container){
    $template = '404';
    $message = 'Nope';
    $redirectAfter = 3;
    $redirectTo = $container->get(HomeEndpoint::class);

    return new UnsupportedEndpoint($template, $message, $redirectAfter, $redirectTo);

    ], 'endpoints');

foreach($container->tagged('endpoints') as $endpoint) {

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

add_filter('some_filter', [$container->get(SomeFilteringClass::class), 'filter']);

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

add_filter('some_filter', $container->callback(SomeFilteringClass::class, 'filter'));

// Some code later we need to remove the filter: we'll get the same callback.
remove_filter('some_filter', App::callback(SomeFilteringClass::class, 'filter'));

use lucatume\DI52\ServiceProvider;

// file ProviderOne.php
class ProviderOne extends ServiceProvider {
    public function register() {
        $this->container->bind(InterfaceOne::class, ClassOne::class);
        $this->container->bind(InterfaceTwo::class, ClassTwo::class);
        $this->container->singleton(InterfaceThree::class, ClassThree::class);

// Application bootstrap file.
use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();


// file ProviderOne.php

use lucatume\DI52\ServiceProvider;

class ProviderOne extends ServiceProvider {
    public function register() {
        $this->container->bind(InterfaceOne::class, ClassOne::class);
        $this->container->bind(InterfaceTwo::class, ClassTwo::class);
        $this->container->singleton(InterfaceThree::class, ClassThree::class);

    public function boot() {
        if(defined('SOME_CONSTANT')) {
            $this->container->bind(InterfaceFour::class, ClassFour::class);
        } else {
            $this->container->bind(InterfaceFour::class, AnotherClassFour::class);

// Application bootstrap file.
use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();


// Some code later ...

// file ProviderOne.php

use lucatume\DI52\ServiceProvider;

class ProviderOne extends ServiceProvider {
    public $deferred = true;

    public function provides() {
        return array(LegacyClassOne::class, LegacyInterfaceTwo::class);

    public function register() {

// Application bootstrap file
use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

// The provider `register` method will not be called immediately...

// will be called here as it provides the binding of `LegacyClassOne`
$legacyOne = $container->get(LegacyClassOne::class);

// Will not be called again here, done already.
$legacyTwo = $container->get(LegacyInterfaceTwo::class);

// file ProviderOne.php

use lucatume\DI52\ServiceProvider;

class ProviderOne extends ServiceProvider {

     * @var ConfigHelper
    protected $config;

    public function __construct(\lucatume\DI52\Container $container, ConfigHelper $config)

        $this->config = $config;

    public function register()


// Application bootstrap file.
use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();


// file ProviderOne.php

use lucatume\DI52\ServiceProvider;

class ProviderOne extends ServiceProvider {

     * @var bool
    protected $service_enabled;

    public function __construct(\lucatume\DI52\Container $container, $service_enabled)

        $this->service_enabled = $service_enabled;

    public function register()
        if (!$this->service_enabled) {

        $this->container->bind(InterfaceOne::class, ClassOne::class);


// Application bootstrap file.
use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();



use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container1 = new Container();
$container2 = new Container(true);

// Default resolution of unbound classes is prototype.
assert($container1->get(A::class) !== $container1->get(A::class));
// The second container will resolve unbound classes once, then store them as singletons.
assert($container2->get(A::class) === $container2->get(A::class));

use lucatume\DI52\Container;

$container = new Container();

// The container will throw any exception thrown during a service resolution without any modification.

// Wrap any exception thrown during a service resolution in a `ContainerException` instance, modify the message.

// Wrap any exception thrown during a service resolution in a `ContainerException` instance, modify the trace file and line.

// You can combine the options, this is the default value.
$container->setExceptionMask(Container::EXCEPTION_MASK_MESSAGE | Container::EXCEPTION_MASK_FILE_LINE);