PHP code example of lucaterribili / laravel-workflow

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lucaterribili/laravel-workflow library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lucaterribili / laravel-workflow example snippets

'providers' => [


    'Workflow' => LucaTerribili\LaravelWorkflow\Facades\WorkflowFacade::class,

// Full workflow, annotated.
return [
    // Name of the workflow is the key
    'straight' => [
        'type' => 'workflow', // or 'state_machine', defaults to 'workflow' if omitted
        // The marking store can be omitted, and will default to 'multiple_state'
        // for workflow and 'single_state' for state_machine if the type is omitted
        'marking_store' => [
            'property' => 'marking', // this is the property on the model, defaults to 'marking'
            'class' => MethodMarkingStore::class, // optional, uses EloquentMethodMarkingStore by default (for Eloquent models)
        // optional top-level metadata
        'metadata' => [
            // any data
        'supports' => ['App\BlogPost'], // objects this workflow supports
        // Specifies events to dispatch (only in 'workflow', not 'state_machine')
        // - set `null` to dispatch all events (default, if omitted)
        // - set to empty array (`[]`) to dispatch no events
        // - set to array of events to dispatch only specific events
        // Note that announce will dispatch a guard event on the next transition
        // (if announce isn't dispatched the next transition won't guard until checked/applied)
        'events_to_dispatch' => [
        'places' => ['draft', 'review', 'rejected', 'published'],
        'initial_places' => ['draft'], // defaults to the first place if omitted
        'transitions' => [
            'to_review' => [
                'from' => 'draft',
                'to' => 'review',
                // optional transition-level metadata
                'metadata' => [
                    // any data
            'publish' => [
                'from' => 'review',
                'to' => 'published'
            'reject' => [
                'from' => 'review',
                'to' => 'rejected'

// Simple workflow. Sets type 'workflow', with a 'multiple_state' workflow
// on the 'marking' property of any 'App\BlogPost' model.
return [
    'simple' => [
        'supports' => ['App\BlogPost'], // objects this workflow supports
        'places' => ['draft', 'review', 'rejected', 'published'],
        'transitions' => [
            'to_review' => [
                'from' => 'draft',
                'to' => 'review'
            'publish' => [
                'from' => 'review',
                'to' => 'published'
            'reject' => [
                'from' => 'review',
                'to' => 'rejected'

return [
    'straight' => [
        'type' => 'workflow', // or 'state_machine'
        'metadata' => [
            'title' => 'Blog Publishing Workflow',
        'supports' => ['App\BlogPost'],
        'places' => [
            'draft' => [
                'metadata' => [
                    'max_num_of_words' => 500,
        'transitions' => [
            'to_review' => [
                'from' => 'draft',
                'to' => 'review',
                'metadata' => [
                    'priority' => 0.5,
            'publish' => [
                'from' => 'review',
                'to' => 'published'
            'reject' => [
                'from' => 'review',
                'to' => 'rejected'

return [
    'models' => [
        'workflow' => LucaTerribili\LaravelWorkflow\Models\Workflow::class,
        'transition' => LucaTerribili\LaravelWorkflow\Models\Transition::class,

$workflows = array(
array('id' => '1','name' => 'MacroTicket a progetto','supports' => '["App\\\\Models\\\\MacroTicketProject"]','places' => '[{"name": "unplannable", "sort": 0, "label": "Non pianificabile"}, {"name": "waiting_plane", "sort": 1, "label": "In attesa pianificazione"}, {"name": "new_plane", "sort": 2, "label": "Da ripianificare"}, {"name": "waiting_plane_accept", "sort": 3, "label": "In attesa accettazione pianificazione"}, {"name": "planned", "sort": 4, "label": "Pianificato"}, {"name": "approved", "sort": 5, "label": "Approvato"}, {"name": "bonded", "sort": 6, "label": "Vincolato"}, {"name": "partial_migrated", "sort": 7, "label": "Migrato parziale"}, {"name": "tested", "sort": 8, "label": "Collaudato"}, {"name": "deleted", "sort": 9, "label": "Annullato"}]','start_place' => 'unplannable','final_place' => 'tested','last_places' => '["tested", "deleted"]','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29')

$transitions = array(
array('id' => '1','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'to_waiting_plane','label' => 'Pianifica','from' => '["unplannable"]','to' => 'waiting_plane','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.waiting_plane','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '2','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'to_ask_approved','label' => 'Manda in approvazione','from' => '["waiting_plane", "new_plane"]','to' => 'waiting_plane_accept','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.waiting_plane_accept','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '3','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'to_replane','label' => 'Rifiuta','from' => '["waiting_plane_accept"]','to' => 'new_plane','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.to_replane','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '4','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'to_planned','label' => 'Approva pianificazione','from' => '["waiting_plane_accept"]','to' => 'planned','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.to_planned','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '5','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'to_reject','label' => 'Anulla pianificazione','from' => '["planned"]','to' => 'new_plane','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.to_reject','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '6','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'to_approved','label' => 'Approva intervento','from' => '["planned"]','to' => 'approved','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.to_approved','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '7','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'to_bonded','label' => 'Vincola','from' => '["approved"]','to' => 'bonded','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.to_bonded','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '8','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'from_bonded_to_replane','label' => 'Rimuovi vincoli','from' => '["bonded"]','to' => 'new_plane','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.to_replane','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '9','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'delete','label' => 'Annulla','from' => '["unplannable", "waiting_plane", "new_plane", "waiting_plane_accept", "planned", "approved", "bonded", "partial_migrated", "tested"]','to' => 'deleted','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.delete','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29'),
array('id' => '10','workflow_id' => '1','name' => 'to_tested','label' => 'Collauda','from' => '["approved"]','to' => 'tested','permission' => 'be.workflow.macro_ticket.to_tested','created_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29','updated_at' => '2022-03-07 11:17:29')

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use LucaTerribili\LaravelWorkflow\Traits\WorkflowTrait;

class BlogPost extends Model
  use WorkflowTrait;


use App\BlogPost;
use Workflow;

$post = BlogPost::find(1);
$workflow = Workflow::get($post);
// if more than one workflow is defined for the BlogPost class
$workflow = Workflow::get($post, $workflowName);
// or get it directly from the trait
$workflow = $post->workflow_get();
// if more than one workflow is defined for the BlogPost class
$workflow = $post->workflow_get($workflowName);

$workflow->can($post, 'publish'); // False
$workflow->can($post, 'to_review'); // True
$transitions = $workflow->getEnabledTransitions($post);

// Apply a transition
$workflow->apply($post, 'to_review');
$post->save(); // Don't forget to persist the state

// Get the workflow directly

// Using the WorkflowTrait
$post->workflow_can('publish'); // True
$post->workflow_can('to_review'); // False

// Get the post transitions
foreach ($post->workflow_transitions() as $transition) {
    echo $transition->getName();

// Apply a transition

use App\Blogpost;
use Workflow;

$post = BlogPost::find(1);
$workflow = $post->workflow_get();

// Get the current places
$places = $workflow->getMarking($post)->getPlaces();

// Get the definition
$definition = $workflow->getDefinition();

// Get the metadata
$metadata = $workflow->getMetadataStore();
// or get a specific piece of metadata
$workflowMetadata = $workflow->getMetadataStore()->getWorkflowMetadata();
$placeMetadata = $workflow->getMetadataStore()->getPlaceMetadata($place); // string place name
$transitionMetadata = $workflow->getMetadataStore()->getTransitionMetadata($transition); // transition object
// or by key
$otherPlaceMetadata = $workflow->getMetadataStore()->getMetadata('max_num_of_words', 'draft');


namespace App\Listeners;

use LucaTerribili\LaravelWorkflow\Events\GuardEvent;

class BlogPostWorkflowSubscriber
    // ...

     * Register the listeners for the subscriber.
     * @param  Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher  $events
    public function subscribe($events)
        // can use any of the three formats:
        // workflow.guard
        // workflow.[workflow name].guard
        // workflow.[workflow name].guard.[transition name]

        // workflow.leave
        // workflow.[workflow name].leave
        // workflow.[workflow name].leave.[place name]

        // workflow.transition
        // workflow.[workflow name].transition
        // workflow.[workflow name].transition.[transition name]

        // workflow.enter
        // workflow.[workflow name].enter
        // workflow.[workflow name].enter.[place name]

        // workflow.entered
        // workflow.[workflow name].entered
        // workflow.[workflow name].entered.[place name]

        // workflow.completed
        // workflow.[workflow name].completed
        // workflow.[workflow name].completed.[transition name]

        // workflow.announce
        // workflow.[workflow name].announce
        // workflow.[workflow name].announce.[transition name]

namespace App\Listeners;

use LucaTerribili\LaravelWorkflow\Events\GuardEvent;

class BlogPostWorkflowSubscriber
     * Handle workflow guard events.
    public function onGuard(GuardEvent $event)
        /** Symfony\Component\Workflow\Event\GuardEvent */
        $originalEvent = $event->getOriginalEvent();

        /** @var App\BlogPost $post */
        $post = $originalEvent->getSubject();
        $title = $post->title;

        if (empty($title)) {
            // Posts with no title should not be allowed

     * Handle workflow leave event.
    public function onLeave($event)
        // The event can also proxy to the original event
        $subject = $event->getSubject();
        // is the same as:
        $subject = $event->getOriginalEvent()->getSubject();

     * Handle workflow transition event.
    public function onTransition($event) {}

     * Handle workflow enter event.
    public function onEnter($event) {}

     * Handle workflow entered event.
    public function onEntered($event) {}

     * Register the listeners for the subscriber.
     * @param  Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher  $events
    public function subscribe($events)






return [
    'straight' => [
        'type' => 'workflow',
        'metadata' => [
            'title' => 'Blog Publishing Workflow',
        'marking_store' => [
            'property' => 'currentPlace'
        'supports' => ['App\BlogPost'],
        'places' => [
        'transitions' => [
            'to_review' => [
                'from' => 'draft',
                'to' => ['content_review', 'legal_review'],
            // ... transitions to "approved" states here
            'publish' => [
                'from' => [ // note array in array
                    ['content_review', 'legal_review']
                'to' => 'published'
            // ...

return [
    'straight' => [
        'type' => 'workflow',
        'metadata' => [
            'title' => 'Blog Publishing Workflow',
        'marking_store' => [
            'property' => 'currentPlace'
        'supports' => ['App\BlogPost'],
        'places' => [
        'transitions' => [
            'to_review' => [
                'from' => 'draft',
                'to' => ['content_review', 'legal_review'],
            // ... transitions to "approved" states here
            'publish' => [
                'from' => [
                'to' => 'published'
            // ...

return [

     * When set to true, the registry will track the workflows that have been loaded.
     * This is useful when you're loading from a DB, or just loading outside of the
     * main config files.
    'track_loaded' => false,

     * Only used when track_loaded = true
     * When set to true, a registering a duplicate workflow will be ignored (will not load the new definition)
     * When set to false, a duplicate workflow will throw a DuplicateWorkflowException
    'ignore_duplicates' => false,


     * Load the workflow type definition into the registry
    protected function loadWorkflow()
        $registry = app()->make('workflow');
        $workflowName = 'straight';
        $workflowDefinition = [
            // Workflow definition here
            // (same format as config/symfony docs)
            // This should be the definition only,
            // not including the key for the name.
            // See note below on initial_places for an example.

        $registry->addFromArray($workflowName, $workflowDefinition);

        // or if catching duplicates

        try {
            $registry->addFromArray($workflowName, $workflowDefinition);
        } catch (DuplicateWorkflowException $e) {
            // already loaded

return [
    'type' => 'workflow', // or 'state_machine'
    'metadata' => [
        'title' => 'Blog Publishing Workflow',
    'marking_store' => [
        'property' => 'currentPlace'
    'supports' => ['App\BlogPost'],
    'places' => [
        'draft', => [
            'metadata' => [
                'max_num_of_words' => 500,
    'initial_places' => 'draft', // or set to an array if multiple initial places
    'transitions' => [
        'to_review' => [
            'from' => 'draft',
            'to' => 'review',
            'metadata' => [
                'priority' => 0.5,
        'publish' => [
            'from' => 'review',
            'to' => 'published'
        'reject' => [
            'from' => 'review',
            'to' => 'rejected'
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LucaTerribili\LaravelWorkflow\WorkflowServiceProvider"