PHP code example of lubosdz / yii2-template-engine

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lubosdz/yii2-template-engine library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lubosdz / yii2-template-engine example snippets

// attach dynamic directive (anonymous function) accepting 2 arguments
$engine->setDirective('coloredText', function($text, $color){
	return "<span style='color: {$color}'>{$text}</span>";

// process template - we can set different color in each call
echo $engine->render("This is {{ output | coloredText(yellow) }}", [
	'output' => 'colored text',
// output: "This is <span style='color: yellow'>colored text</span>"

{{ SET subtotal = item.qty * item.price * (100 + item.vat) / 100 }}
{{ SET total = total + subtotal }}

<h3>Invoice No. 20230123</h3>
{{ import invoice_header.html }}
{{ import invoice_body.html }}
{{ import _partial/version_2/invoice_footer.html }}
<p>Generated on ...</p>


// then use it also in placeholders and directives
$engine->render("{{ user | truncate(5, '..') }}", ["user" => "John Doe"]);


// default - do not process any empty placeholders
// generated map will set for missed placeholders NULL

// yes, replace empty placeholders with empty string

// yes, replace empty placeholders with 5 dots

// yes, replace empty placeholders with HTML entity to retain spacing

list($map, $placeholders, $values, $html) = $engine->getResources();