PHP code example of lsnepomuceno / laravel-brazilian-ceps

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lsnepomuceno/laravel-brazilian-ceps library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lsnepomuceno / laravel-brazilian-ceps example snippets

use LSNepomuceno\LaravelBrazilianCeps\Services\CepService;

class ExampleController() {
    // PHP 8: Constructor property promotion
    public function __construct(protected CepService $cepService) { }
    public function dummyFunction(string|int $cep){
       $address = $this->cepService->get($cep);

 LSNepomuceno\LaravelBrazilianCeps\Entities\CepEntity {
    city: string,
    cep: string,
    street: string,
    state: string,
    uf: string,
    neighborhood: string,
    number: string | int | null,
    complement: string | null,

// config/brazilian-ceps.php

  'throw_not_found_exception' => true

use LSNepomuceno\LaravelBrazilianCeps\Services\CepService;
use LSNepomuceno\LaravelBrazilianCeps\Exceptions\CepNotFoundException;

class ExampleController() {
    // PHP 8: Constructor property promotion
    public function __construct(protected CepService $cepService) { }
    public function dummyFunction(string|int $cep){
       try {
         $address = $this->cepService->get($cep);

       } catch(CepNotFoundException $e) {
          // TODO necessary

// config/brazilian-ceps.php

  'enable_api_consult_cep_route' => false

// config/brazilian-ceps.php

  'not_found_message' => 'Type here the message you want.'

// config/brazilian-ceps.php

  'api_route_middleware' => ['guest']

// config/brazilian-ceps.php

  'cache_results' => true,
  'cache_lifetime_in_days' => 30
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=brazilian-ceps