PHP code example of lovefc / captcha

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lovefc/captcha library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lovefc / captcha example snippets


/* 实例化 */
$ver = new FC\Captcha();

/* 验证码的一些设置 */

// 验证码宽度
$ver->width = 300;

// 验证码高度
$ver->height = 100;

// 验证码个数
$ver->nums = 4;

// 随机字符串
$ver->random = '舔狗不得好死';

// 随机数大小
$ver->font_size = 40;

// 干扰线数量,为0时没有干扰线
$ver->interfere_line = 50;

// 字体路径
//$ver->font_path = __DIR__.'/Font/zhankukuhei.ttf';

// 是否为动态验证码
//$ver->is_gif = true;

// 动图帧数
//$ver->gif_fps = 10;

/* 生成验证码 */
$code = $ver->getCode();

 $_SESSION['code'] = $code

/* 生成验证码图片 */