PHP code example of louishrg / state-flow

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download louishrg/state-flow library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


louishrg / state-flow example snippets

new Stack(self::$status, Pending::class, 'key'),

namespace App\Models\States\User;

use Louishrg\StateFlow\StateAbstract;

class Active extends StateAbstract
    public $key = 'active';

    public $label = 'Active';
    public $color = 'green';
    // and everything you want !
    public function computedField() {
        return $this->$label.$this->color;

// It'll give you the state object with all your defined constants in it.

$user = new User;

// Simply pass the state class and that's it.
$user->status = Pending::class;

Select::make('Statut', 'status')
->options(GearRequest::getState('status')->pluck('label', 'key')->toArray())
->displayUsing(fn($item) => $item->label)
->resolveUsing(fn($item) => $item->key)
// Use the magic setter in the fillUsing method
->fillUsing(fn($request, $model) => ($model->_status = $request->status)),




// Import the Flow class
use Louishrg\StateFlow\Flow;


protected static function registerStates(){
    return [
        // use a custom method in your model for better readability
        'status' => self::myFlow(),

// You need to use the Flow class
protected static function myFlow(){
    // We'll use the data from above
    return (new Flow(self::$status))
    // Add a transition, here your state can go from Pending to either Accepted or Refused.
    ->add(Pending::class, [
    ->add(Refused::class, [
    ->add(Accepted::class, [
    // You can specify a default class, when creating you don't need to provide value.



$users = User::where('status', (new Active)->key)->get();

$users = User::where('status', Active::key())->get();