PHP code example of los / api-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download los/api-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


los / api-client example snippets

'los' => [
    'api-client' => [
        'root_uri' => 'http://localhost:8000',
        'add_request_id' => true,
        'add_request_time' => true,
        'add_request_depth' => true,
        'headers' => [
            'Accept'       => 'application/hal+json',
            'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
        'query' => [
            'key' => '123',
        'request_options' => [
            'request_options' => [
                'timeout' => 10,
                'connect_timeout' => 2,
                'read_timeout' => 10,
        'default_ttl' => 600,

$client = new \Los\ApiClient\ApiClient('');

/* @var \Los\ApiClient\ApiClient $client */
$client = new \Los\ApiClient\ApiClient('');

/* @var \Los\ApiClient\Resource\ApiResource $ret */
$ret = $client->get('/album/1');

// $data is an array with all data and resources (_embedded) from the response
$data = $ret->getData();

/* @var \Los\ApiClient\ApiClient $client */
$client = new \Los\ApiClient\ApiClient('');

/* @var \Los\ApiClient\Resource\ApiResource $ret */
$ret = $client->get('/album', [ 'query' => ['year' => 2018] ]);

// $data is an array with all data and resources (_embedded) from the response
$data = $ret->getData();

// $data is an array with the first album resource from the response
$data = $ret->getFirstResource('album');

// $data is an array with the all album resources from the response
$data = $ret->getResources('album');

// $data is an array with the all resources from the response
$data = $ret->getResources();

/* @var \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface */
$cache = null; // Any PSR-16 cache service. 

/* @var \Los\ApiClient\ApiClient $client */
$client = new \Los\ApiClient\ApiClient('', $cache);

// The last param is a per item ttl, please make sure your cache service can handle it.
/* @var \Los\ApiClient\Resource\ApiResource $ret */
$ret = $client->getCached('/album', 'cached-key', [ 'query' => ['year' => 2018] ], null);

// $data is an array with all data and resources (_embedded) from the response
$data = $ret->getData();

// $data is an array with the first album resource from the response
$data = $ret->getFirstResource('album');

// $data is an array with the all album resources from the response
$data = $ret->getResources('album');

// $data is an array with the all resources from the response
$data = $ret->getResources();

$client = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('hermes');
$client->addRequestId(); // Auto generared
php composer.phar