PHP code example of lorenzo / linkable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lorenzo/linkable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lorenzo / linkable example snippets

		class AppModel extends Model {
			public $actsAs = array('Containable', 'Linkable.Linkable');

	$this->TestRun->CasesRun->find('all', array(
		'link' => array(
			'User' => array('fields' => 'username'),
			'TestCase' => array('fields' => array('TestCase.automated', ''),
				'TestSuite' => array('fields' => array(''),
					'TestHarness' => array('fields' => array(''))
		'conditions' => array('test_run_id' => $id),
		'contain' => array(
		'fields' => array(
			'', 'CasesRun.state', 'CasesRun.modified', 'CasesRun.comments'

$this->Article->find('all', array(
	'contain' => array(
	'link' => array(
	'conditions' => array(
		'Comment.user_id' => 1