PHP code example of loopline-systems / closeio-api-wrapper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download loopline-systems/closeio-api-wrapper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


loopline-systems / closeio-api-wrapper example snippets

use LooplineSystems\CloseIoApiWrapper\Client;
use LooplineSystems\CloseIoApiWrapper\CloseIoApiWrapper;
use LooplineSystems\CloseIoApiWrapper\Configuration;

$configuration = new Configuration('{api-key}');
$client = new Client($configuration);
$closeIoApiWrapper = new CloseIoApiWrapper($client);

$leadsApi = $closeIoApiWrapper->getLeadApi();

// create lead
$lead = new Lead();
$lead->setName('Test Company');
$lead->setDescription('Company description');

// address
$address = new Address();
$address->setAddress1('Main Street');

// contacts
$contact = new Contact();
$contact->setName('Testy Testersson');
$contact->setTitle('Chief Tester');

// emails
$email = new Email();
$email->setEmail('[email protected]');

// phones
$phone = new Phone();


$response = $leadsApi->addLead($lead);

$opportunity = new Opportunity();
$opportunity->setNote('My note on this opportunity');

// you can use the leadApi to get ID for leads

$opportunityApi = $this->apiWrapper->getOpportunityApi();
$result = $opportunityApi->addOpportunity($opportunity);

$activityApi = $this->apiWrapper->getActivityApi();

// SMS
$sms = new SmsActivity();
$sms->setText('first sms');


// EMails
$email = new EmailActivity();
$email->setSubject('RE: Support');
$email->setSender('Support <[email protected]>');
$email->setTo('Customer <[email protected]>');


$customField = new CustomField();
$customField->setId('Custom field id')
$customField->addChoice('Value for choices list');

$customFieldApi = $this->apiWrapper->getCustomFieldApi();
$result = $customFieldApi->updateCustomField($customField);