PHP code example of lokalise / php-lokalise-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lokalise/php-lokalise-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lokalise / php-lokalise-api example snippets

$client = new \Lokalise\LokaliseApiClient($apiToken);

/** @var \Lokalise\LokaliseApiResponse $response */
$response = $client->languages->listSystem();

    headers                // Associative array of Lokalise headers received
    getContent()           // Return response data as associative array
    __toArray()            // getContent() alias. Return response data as associative array
    __toString()           // Return JSON encoded response data
    getTotalCount()        // Return total count of filtered items in List methods
    getPageCount()         // Return count of pages in List methods (based on limit parameter)
    getPaginationLimit()   // Return pagination limit used in the request
    getPaginationPage()    // Return current page of the request
    getNextCursor()        // Return next cursor for cursor based pagination
    hasNextCursor()        // Return true if next cursor is present for cursor based pagination

    base64FileEncode($filePath)    // Get base64 encoded contents with leading mime type

\Lokalise\Exceptions\LokaliseApiException       // Exception throws when Lokalise API can't be reached using Guzzle
\Lokalise\Exceptions\LokaliseResponseException  // Exception throws when Lokalise API responded with a single error

$client = new \Lokalise\LokaliseApiClient($apiToken);

try {
    $language = $client->languages->retrieve($projectId, $languageId)->getContent();
} catch (\Lokalise\Exceptions\LokaliseApiException $e) {
    // try again later or break
} catch (\Lokalise\Exceptions\LokaliseResponseException $e) {
    // Request cannot be completed. More details in {$e->getCode()} and {$e->getMessage()}
    // break