PHP code example of log1x / sage-svg

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download log1x/sage-svg library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


log1x / sage-svg example snippets

# Relative path (with dot notation) – resolves to `app/themes/<your theme>/dist/images/logo.svg` by default

# Absolute path from webroot with `w-32 h-auto` CSS classes and an aria-label
@svg('app/uploads/2019/07/logo.svg', 'w-32 h-auto', ['aria-label' => 'Logo'])

# Relative path
$image = get_svg('images.logo');

# Absolute path from webroot with `w-32 h-auto` CSS classes
$image = get_svg('app/uploads/2019/07/logo.svg', 'w-32 h-auto');

# WordPress attachment (e.g. ACF field) with `my-logo` CSS class
$image = get_svg(

use Log1x\SageSvg\SageSvg;
use function Roots\app;

$image = app(SageSvg::class)->render('images.logo');