PHP code example of log1x / navi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download log1x/navi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


log1x / navi example snippets

use Log1x\Navi\Navi;

$navigation = Navi::make()->build('primary_navigation');

if ($navigation->isEmpty()) {

return $navigation->toArray();

$navigation->get('name', 'My menu title');

<x-navigation />

# Blade
{{ get_post_type($item->objectId) }}

 echo get_post_type($item->objectId); 

# Blade
{{ get_field('custom_nav_label', $item->id) ?: $item->label }}

 echo get_field('custom_nav_label', $item->id) ?: $item->label; 

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    +"active": true
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    +"dbId": 5
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    +"object": "page"
    +"objectId": "99"
    +"parent": false
    +"slug": "home"
    +"target": "_blank"
    +"title": false
    +"type": "post_type"
    +"url": "https://sage.test/"
    +"xfn": false
    +"order": 1
    +"parentObjectId": false
    +"children": false
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    +"title": false
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        +"target": false
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