PHP code example of lmc / matej-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lmc/matej-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lmc / matej-client example snippets

use Lmc\Matej\Matej; // in all following examples namespaces and use statements are ommited from the code samples

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

$response = $matej->request()
    ->addInteraction(\Lmc\Matej\Model\Command\Interaction::withItem('purchases', 'user-id', 'item-id'))

echo 'Number of commands: ' . $response->getNumberOfCommands() . "\n";
echo 'Number of successful commands: ' . $response->getNumberOfSuccessfulCommands() . "\n";
echo 'Number of failed commands: ' . $response->getNumberOfFailedCommands()() . "\n";

// Use $response->isSuccessful() to check whether all of the commands send in request were successful or not:
if (!$response->isSuccessful()) {
    echo 'At least one command response was not succesful!';

// Iterate over getCommandResponses() to get response for each command passed to the builder.
// Commands in the response are present in the same order as they were added to the requets builder.
foreach ($response->getCommandResponses() as $commandResponse) {
    if ($commandResponse->isSuccessful()) {
        // Methods $commandResponse->getData(), ->getMessage() and ->getStatus() are available
    } else {
        // Log error etc.

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

// Create new item property in database:
$response = $matej->request()

// Get list of item properties that are defined in Matej
$response = $matej->request()

$properties = $response->getData(); // this is shortcut for $response->getCommandResponse(0)->getData()

// Delete item property from database:
$response = $matej->request()

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

$response = $matej->request()

var_dump($response->isSuccessful()); // true on success

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

$response = $matej->request()

var_dump($response->isSuccessful()); // true on success

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

$response = $matej->request()
    // Add interaction between user and item
    ->addInteraction(Interaction::withItem('purchases', 'user-id', 'item-id'))
    ->addInteractions([/* array of Interaction objects */])
    // Update item data
    ->addItemProperty(ItemProperty::create('item-id', ['valid_from' => time(), 'title' => 'Title']))
    ->addItemProperties([/* array of ItemProperty objects */])
    // Merge user
    ->addUserMerge(UserMerge::mergeInto('target-user-id', 'source-user-id', 1629361884))
    ->addUserMerges([/* array of UserMerge objects */])

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

$response = $matej->request()
    ->recommendation(UserItemRecommendation::create('user-id', 'test-scenario'))
    ->setInteraction(Interaction::withItem('purchases', 'user-id', 'item-id')) // optional
    ->setUserMerge(UserMerge::mergeInto('user-id', 'source-id')) // optional

$recommendations = $response->getRecommendation()->getData();

$recommendation = UserItemRecommendation::create('user-id', 'test-scenario')
    ->setFilters(['for_recommendation = 1'])
    // You can further modify which items will be recommended by providing boosting rules.
    // Priority of items matching the query will be multiplied by the value of multiplier:
    ->addBoost(Boost::create('valid_to >= NOW()', 2));

$response = $matej->request()

$response = $matej->request()

echo $response->getInteraction()->getStatus();    // SKIPPED
echo $response->getUserMerge()->getStatus();      // SKIPPED
echo $response->getRecommendation()->getStatus(); // OK

$recommendations = $response->getRecommendation()->getData();

// var_dump($recommendations):
// array(2) {
//     [0] => object(stdClass)#1 (2) {
//         ["item_id"]  => string(9) "item_id_1"
//     }
//     [1] => object(stdClass)#2 (2) {
//         ["item_id"]  => string(9)  "item_id_2"
//     }
// }

$recommendation = UserItemRecommendation::create('user-id', 'test-scenario')

$response = $matej->request()

$recommendedItems = $response->getRecommendation()->getData();

// $recommendedItems is an array of stdClass instances:
// array(2) {
//     [0] => object(stdClass)#1 (2) {
//         ["item_id"]  => string(9) "item_id_1"
//         ["item_url"] => string(5) "url_1"
//         ["item_title"] => string(5) "title_1"
//     }
//     [1] => object(stdClass)#2 (2) {
//         ["item_id"]  => string(9)  "item_id_2"
//         ["item_url"] => string(10) "url_2"
//         ["item_title"] => string(10) "title_2"
//     }
// }

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

$response =  $matej->request()
    ->sorting(ItemSorting::create('user-id', ['item-id-1', 'item-id-2', 'item-id-3']))
    ->setInteraction(Interaction::withItem('purchases', 'user-id', 'item-id')) // optional
    ->setUserMerge(UserMerge::mergeInto('user-id', 'source-id')) // optional

$sortedItems = $response->getSorting()->getData();

$response = $matej->request()

echo $response->getInteraction()->getStatus(); // SKIPPED
echo $response->getUserMerge()->getStatus();   // SKIPPED
echo $response->getSorting()->getStatus();     // OK

$sortedData = $response->getSorting()->getData();

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

$response = $matej->request()
    // Request item sortings
    ->addSorting(ItemSorting::create('user-id', ['item-id-1', 'item-id-2', 'item-id-3']))
    ->addSortings([/* array of Sorting objects */])
    // Request user-based recommendations
    ->addRecommendation(UserItemRecommendation::create('user-id', 'emailing'))
    ->addRecommendations([/* array of UserRecommendation objects */])

$recommendationCommand = UserItemRecommendation::create('user-id', 'test-scenario')

$sortingCommand = ItemSorting::create('user-id', ['item-id-1', 'item-id-2', 'item-id-3']);

$response = $matej->request()

$response = $matej->request()

$response = $matej->request()

$recommendation = UserItemRecommendation::create('user-id', 'test-scenario');

if ($session->isUserInBucketB()) {

$response = $matej->request()->recommendation($recommendation)->send();

$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');


$matej = new Matej('accountId', 'apikey');

try {
    $response = $matej
        ->sorting(/* ... */)
        // ...
} catch (\Lmc\Matej\Exception\RequestException $exception) {
    echo $e->getMessage(); // this will output just HTTP reason phrase, like "Bad Request"
    $serverResponseContents = $exception->getResponse()

    echo $serverResponseContents; // this will output the full response body which Matej server gave