PHP code example of llpo / mathepa

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download llpo/mathepa library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


llpo / mathepa example snippets

> abs(-2, -3);
PHP Warning:  abs() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in php shell code on line 1

(new Expression('cos()'))->evaluate();
(new Expression('cos(30, 60)'))->evaluate();

(new Expression('cos(30,)'))->evaluate();
(new Expression('3 2'))->evaluate();
(new Expression('abs(-43.24), 2'))->evaluate();
(new Expression('fakeMethod(22), 2'))->evaluate();

use \Mathepa\Expression;

$m = new Expression('1 / 2 * gravity * seconds');
$m->setVariable('gravity', '9.8');
$m->setVariable('seconds', '2');
$height = $m->evaluate();

use \Mathepa\Expression;

$m = new Expression();
$m->setVariable('distance', 40);
$m->setVariable('degrees', 35);
$height = $m->setExpression('distance * tan(degrees)')->evaluate();

$m = new Expression('round((price - (price * discount)) * vat,  2) * units');
$m->setVariable('discount', '(units > 100 ? (units > 500 ? 0.10 : 0.20) : 0)');
$m->setVariable('price', 20);
$m->setVariable('units', 125);
$m->setVariable('vat', 1.19);
$total = $m->evaluate();