PHP code example of lloadout / microsoftgraph

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lloadout/microsoftgraph library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lloadout / microsoftgraph example snippets

Mail::send(new YourMailable());

Mail::raw('The body of my first test message', function($message) {
    $message->to('[email protected]', 'John Doe')->subject('A mail send via lloadout/microsoftgraph');

    getMailFolders(): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getSubFolders(id): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getMailMessagesFromFolder([folder: string = 'inbox'], [isRead: true = true], [skip: int = 0], [limit: int = 20]): array
    updateMessage(id, data): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    moveMessage(id, destinationId): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getMessage(id): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getMessageAttachements(id): array|GraphResponse|mixed

    $mail = app(Mail::class);

        echo $folder['displayName']."<br />";

    //get all unread messages from inbox
    collect($mail->getMailMessagesFromFolder('inbox', isRead: false))->each(function($message) use ($mail){
        echo $message['subject']."<br />";

$disk = Storage::disk('onedrive');
#create a dir
$disk->makeDirectory('Test folder');
#storing files
$disk->put('Test folder/file1.txt','Content of file 1');
$disk->put('Test folder/file2.txt','Content of file 2');
#getting files
Storage::disk('onedrive')->get('Test folder/file1.txt');

    getJoinedTeams(): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getChannels(team): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getChats(): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getChat(id): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getMembersInChat(chat): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    send(teamOrChat, message): array|GraphResponse|mixed

$teamsClass = new Teams();

$joinedTeams = $teamsClass->getJoinedTeams();

$channels = $teamsClass->getChannels($team);

$chats = $teamsClass->getChats(); 

$chats = $teamsClass->getChat('your-chat-id'); 

$members = $teamsClass->getMembersInChat($chat));
$teamsClass->send($teamOrChat,'Hello world!');

    loadFile(file): void
    loadFileById(fileId): void
    setCellValues(cellRange, values: array): void
    getCellValues(cellRange): array
    recalculate(): void
    createSession(fileId): string

$excelClass = new Excel();

$excelClass->loadFile('Test folder/file1.xlsx');


$values = ['B1' => null, 'B2' => '01.01.23', 'B3' => 3, 'B4' => '250', 'B5' => '120', 'B6' => '30 cm', 'B7' => null, 'B8' => null, 'B9' => null, 'B10' => null, 'B11' => null, 'B12' => 2];
$excelClass->setCellValues('B1:B12', $values);

    getCalendars(): array
    getCalendarEvents(calendar: Calendar): array
    saveEventToCalendar(calendar: Calendar, event: Event): GraphResponse|mixed
    makeEvent(starttime: string, endtime: string, timezone: string, subject: string, body: string, [attendees: array = [...]], [isOnlineMeeting: bool = false]): Event

$calendarClass = new Calendar();

$calendars = $calendarClass->getCalendars();

$events = $calendarClass->getCalendarEvents($calendar);

$calendarClass->saveEvent($calendar, $event);

    getContacts(): array

$contactsClass = new Contacts();

$contacts = $contactsClass->getContacts();

Event::listen(function (MicrosoftGraphCallbackReceived $event) {
    $user = Auth::user();
    $user->accessdata = $event->accessData;