PHP code example of llm-agents / agents

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download llm-agents/agents library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


llm-agents / agents example snippets

use LLM\Agents\Agent\AgentAggregate;
use LLM\Agents\Agent\Agent;
use LLM\Agents\Solution\Model;
use LLM\Agents\Solution\ToolLink;
use LLM\Agents\Solution\MetadataType;
use LLM\Agents\Solution\SolutionMetadata;

class SiteStatusCheckerAgent extends AgentAggregate
    public const NAME = 'site_status_checker';

    public static function create(): self
        $agent = new Agent(
            key: self::NAME,
            name: 'Site Status Checker',
            description: 'This agent checks the online status of websites.',
            instruction: 'You are a website status checking assistant. Your goal is to help users determine if a website is online. Use the provided tool to check site availability. Give clear, concise responses about a site\'s status.',

        $aggregate = new self($agent);

            new SolutionMetadata(
                type: MetadataType::Memory,
                key: 'check_availability',
                content: 'Always check the site\'s availability using the provided tool.',
            new SolutionMetadata(
                type: MetadataType::Configuration,
                key: 'max_tokens',
                content: 500,

        $model = new Model(model: 'gpt-4o-mini');

        $aggregate->addAssociation(new ToolLink(name: CheckSiteAvailabilityTool::NAME));

        return $aggregate;

use LLM\Agents\Tool\PhpTool;
use LLM\Agents\Tool\ToolLanguage;

class CheckSiteAvailabilityTool extends PhpTool
    public const NAME = 'check_site_availability';

    public function __construct()
            name: self::NAME,
            inputSchema: CheckSiteAvailabilityInput::class,
            description: 'This tool checks if a given URL is accessible and returns its HTTP status code and response time.',

    public function getLanguage(): ToolLanguage
        return ToolLanguage::PHP;

    public function execute(object $input): string
        $ch = curl_init($input->url);
        curl_setopt_array($ch, [
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => true,
            CURLOPT_NOBODY => true,
            CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
            CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30,

        $startTime = microtime(true);
        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        $endTime = microtime(true);

        $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        $responseTime = round(($endTime - $startTime) * 1000, 2);


        $isOnline = $statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400;

        return json_encode([
            'status_code' => $statusCode,
            'response_time_ms' => $responseTime,
            'is_online' => $isOnline,

use Spiral\JsonSchemaGenerator\Attribute\Field;

class CheckSiteAvailabilityInput
    public function __construct(
        #[Field(title: 'URL', description: 'The full URL of the website to check')]
        public readonly string $url,
    ) {}

use LLM\Agents\Solution\AgentLink;

class SiteStatusCheckerAgent extends AgentAggregate
    public const NAME = 'site_status_checker';

    public static function create(): self
        // ... [previous agent setup code] ...

        // Link to another agent
            new AgentLink(
                name: 'network_diagnostics_agent',
                outputSchema: NetworkDiagnosticsOutput::class,

        return $aggregate;

use LLM\Agents\Tool\PhpTool;
use LLM\Agents\Agent\AgentExecutor;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\ToolCallResultMessage;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Response\ToolCalledResponse;
use LLM\Agents\Tool\ToolExecutor;
use LLM\Agents\Tool\ToolLanguage;

 * @extends PhpTool<AskAgentInput>
final class AskAgentTool extends PhpTool
    public const NAME = 'ask_agent';

    public function __construct(
        private readonly AgentExecutor $executor,
        private readonly ToolExecutor $toolExecutor,
    ) {
            name: self::NAME,
            inputSchema: AskAgentInput::class,
            description: 'Ask an agent with given name to execute a task.',

    public function getLanguage(): ToolLanguage
        return ToolLanguage::PHP;

    public function execute(object $input): string|\Stringable
        $prompt = \sprintf(
Important rules:
- Think before responding to the user.
- Don not markup the content. Only JSON is allowed.
- Don't write anything except the answer using JSON schema.
- Answer in JSON using this schema:

        while (true) {
            $execution = $this->executor->execute($input->name, $prompt);
            $result = $execution->result;
            $prompt = $execution->prompt;

            if ($result instanceof ToolCalledResponse) {
                foreach ($result->tools as $tool) {
                    $functionResult = $this->toolExecutor->execute($tool->name, $tool->arguments);

                    $prompt = $prompt->withAddedMessage(
                        new ToolCallResultMessage(
                            id: $tool->id,
                            content: [$functionResult],



        return \json_encode($result->content);

use Spiral\JsonSchemaGenerator\Attribute\Field;

final class AskAgentInput
    public function __construct(
        #[Field(title: 'Agent Name', description: 'The name of the agent to ask.')]
        public string $name,
        #[Field(title: 'Question', description: 'The question to ask the agent.')]
        public string $question,
        #[Field(title: 'Output Schema', description: 'The schema of the output.')]
        public string $outputSchema,
    ) {}

use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\ExecutorInterface;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\Prompt;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\MessagePrompt;

class AgentRunner
    public function __construct(
        private ExecutorInterface $executor,
    ) {}

    public function run(string $input): string
        $prompt = new Prompt([

        $execution = $this->executor->execute(
            agent: MyAgent::NAME,
            prompt: $prompt,

        return (string)$execution->result->content;

// Usage
$agentRunner = new AgentRunner($executor);
$result = $agentRunner->run("Do something cool!");
echo $result;

use LLM\Agents\Solution\SolutionMetadata;
use LLM\Agents\Solution\MetadataType;

// In your agent creation method:
    new SolutionMetadata(
        type: MetadataType::Memory,
        key: 'user_preference',
        content: 'The user prefers concise answers.',
    new SolutionMetadata(
        type: MetadataType::Prompt,
        key: 'check_google',
        content: 'Check the status of',
    new SolutionMetadata(
        type: MetadataType::Prompt,
        key: 'check_yahoo',
        content: 'Check the status of',

use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\ExecutorInterface;
use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\ExecutorPipeline;
use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\Interceptor\GeneratePromptInterceptor;
use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\Interceptor\InjectModelInterceptor;
use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\Interceptor\InjectOptionsInterceptor;
use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\Interceptor\InjectResponseIntoPromptInterceptor;
use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\Interceptor\InjectToolsInterceptor;

$executor = new ExecutorPipeline(...);

$executor = $executor->withInterceptor(
    new GeneratePromptInterceptor(...),
    new InjectModelInterceptor(...),
    new InjectToolsInterceptor(...),
    new InjectOptionsInterceptor(...),
    new InjectResponseIntoPromptInterceptor(...),


use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\ExecutorInterceptorInterface;
use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\ExecutionInput;
use LLM\Agents\AgentExecutor\InterceptorHandler;
use LLM\Agents\Agent\Execution;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\Prompt;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Response\ChatResponse;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

class TokenCounterInterceptor implements ExecutorInterceptorInterface
    public function __construct(
        private TokenCounterInterface $tokenCounter,
        private LoggerInterface $logger,
    ) {}

    public function execute(ExecutionInput $input, InterceptorHandler $next): Execution
        // Count tokens in the input prompt
        $promptTokens = $this->tokenCounter->count((string) $input->prompt);

        // Execute the next interceptor in the chain
        $execution = $next($input);

        // Count tokens in the response
        $responseTokens = 0;
        if ($execution->result instanceof ChatResponse) {
            $responseTokens = $this->tokenCounter->count((string) $execution->result->content);

        // Log the token counts
        $this->logger->info('Token usage', [
            'prompt_tokens' => $promptTokens,
            'response_tokens' => $responseTokens,
            'total_tokens' => $promptTokens + $responseTokens,

        return $execution;

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

// Assume you have implementations of TokenCounterInterface and LoggerInterface
$tokenCounter = new MyTokenCounter();
$logger = new MyLogger();

$executor = $executor->withInterceptor(
    new TokenCounterInterceptor($tokenCounter, $logger),

use LLM\Agents\LLM\ContextInterface;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\LLMInterface;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\OptionsInterface;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\MessagePrompt;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\PromptInterface as ChatPromptInterface;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\PromptInterface;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Tool;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Response\Response;
use OpenAI\Client;

final readonly class OpenAILLM implements LLMInterface
    public function __construct(
        private Client $client,
        private MessageMapper $messageMapper,
        private StreamResponseParser $streamParser,
    ) {}

    public function generate(
        ContextInterface $context,
        PromptInterface $prompt,
        OptionsInterface $options,
    ): Response {
        $request = $this->buildOptions($options);

        $messages = $prompt instanceof ChatPromptInterface
            ? $prompt->format()
            : [MessagePrompt::user($prompt)->toChatMessage()];

        $request['messages'] = array_map(
            fn($message) => $this->messageMapper->map($message),

        if ($options->has('tools')) {
            $request['tools'] = array_values(array_map(
                fn(Tool $tool): array => $this->messageMapper->map($tool),

        $stream = $this->client->chat()->createStreamed($request);

        return $this->streamParser->parse($stream);

    private function buildOptions(OptionsInterface $options): array
        $defaultOptions = [
            'temperature' => 0.8,
            'max_tokens' => 120,
            'model' => null,
            // Add other default options as needed

        $result = array_intersect_key($options->getIterator()->getArrayCopy(), $defaultOptions);
        $result += array_diff_key($defaultOptions, $result);

        if (!isset($result['model'])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Model is 

use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\ChatMessage;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\Role;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\ToolCalledPrompt;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Chat\ToolCallResultMessage;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Prompt\Tool;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Response\ToolCall;

final readonly class MessageMapper
    public function map(object $message): array
        if ($message instanceof ChatMessage) {
            return [
                'content' => $message->content,
                'role' => $message->role->value,

        if ($message instanceof ToolCallResultMessage) {
            return [
                'content' => \is_array($message->content) ? \json_encode($message->content) : $message->content,
                'tool_call_id' => $message->id,
                'role' => $message->role->value,

        if ($message instanceof ToolCalledPrompt) {
            return [
                'content' => null,
                'role' => Role::Assistant->value,
                'tool_calls' => \array_map(
                    static fn(ToolCall $tool): array => [
                        'id' => $tool->id,
                        'type' => 'function',
                        'function' => [
                            'name' => $tool->name,
                            'arguments' => $tool->arguments,

        if ($message instanceof Tool) {
            return [
                'type' => 'function',
                'function' => [
                    'name' => $message->name,
                    'description' => $message->description,
                    'parameters' => [
                            'type' => 'object',
                            'additionalProperties' => $message->additionalProperties,
                        ] + $message->parameters,
                    'strict' => $message->strict,

        if ($message instanceof \JsonSerializable) {
            return $message->jsonSerialize();

        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid message type');

use LLM\Agents\PromptGenerator\Interceptors\AgentMemoryInjector;
use LLM\Agents\PromptGenerator\Interceptors\InstructionGenerator;
use LLM\Agents\PromptGenerator\Interceptors\LinkedAgentsInjector;
use LLM\Agents\PromptGenerator\Interceptors\UserPromptInjector;
use LLM\Agents\PromptGenerator\PromptGeneratorPipeline;

class PromptGeneratorBootloader extends Bootloader
    public function defineSingletons(): array
        return [
            PromptGeneratorPipeline::class => static function (
                LinkedAgentsInjector $linkedAgentsInjector,
            ): PromptGeneratorPipeline {
                $pipeline = new PromptGeneratorPipeline();

                return $pipeline->withInterceptor(
                    new InstructionGenerator(),
                    new AgentMemoryInjector(),
                    new UserPromptInjector(),
                    // Add more interceptors as needed

use LLM\Agents\LLM\ContextFactoryInterface;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\ContextInterface;

final class ContextFactory implements ContextFactoryInterface
    public function create(): ContextInterface
        return new class implements ContextInterface {
            // Implement any necessary methods or properties for your context

use LLM\Agents\LLM\OptionsFactoryInterface;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\OptionsInterface;

final class OptionsFactory implements OptionsFactoryInterface
    public function create(): OptionsInterface
        return new class implements OptionsInterface {
            private array $options = [];

            public function has(string $option): bool
                return isset($this->options[$option]);

            public function get(string $option, mixed $default = null): mixed
                return $this->options[$option] ?? $default;

            public function with(string $option, mixed $value): static
                $clone = clone $this;
                $clone->options[$option] = $value;
                return $clone;

            public function getIterator(): \Traversable
                return new \ArrayIterator($this->options);