PHP code example of liuyexing / man_machine_verification

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download liuyexing/man_machine_verification library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


liuyexing / man_machine_verification example snippets

 * Created by: PhpStorm
 * User: lyx
 * DateTime: 2020/3/17 11:34

namespace app\index\controller;

use think\Controller;
use AliyunManMachineVerification\ManMachineVerification;
use think\Request;

class Verify extends Controller

    private $aliKey;
    private $aliSecrect;
    private $appKey;
    public function _initialize()
        $this->aliKey='YOUR ACCESSKEY';
        $this->aliSecrect='YOUR ACCESS_SECRET';
        $this->appKey='YOUR AppKey';

     * 滑动验证/智能验证
     * @param Request $request
     * @return \think\response\Json
    public function slidingVerification(Request $request)
        $sig=$request->param('sig');// 签名串。必填参数,从前端获取,不可更改。
        $scene=$request->param('scene');// 场景标识。必填参数,从前端获取,不可更改。
        $service=new ManMachineVerification($this->aliKey,$this->aliSecrect,$this->appKey);
        return json($result);

     * 无痕验证
     * @param Request $request
     * @return \think\response\Jsonp
    public function noTraceValidation(Request $request)
        $service=new ManMachineVerification($this->aliKey,$this->aliSecrect,$this->appKey);
        return jsonp(['result'=>$result]);