PHP code example of lit / atd
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lit/atd library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
lit / atd example snippets
$redisHandler; //redis链接句柄, Task与listen 使用时需长连接
$topic; //话题
$topics; //话题数组
$message; //消息体
$redisHandler = new \Redis();
$redisHandler->pconnect(""); //需使用长连接
use \Lit\Atd\Mapper\Message;
$redisHandler = new \Redis();
//$message 消息体, 如果消息体重复会重置消息时间, 使用 $message->uniq_id 避免此问题
$message = new Message();
$message->topic = "topic1";
$message->body = "消息体!" ;;//. uniqid();
$message->uniq_id = ""; //唯一ID, 如果需要延期某条消息或者删除某条消息,需记录此ID
//$time 要执行的10位时间戳
$time = time() + 1;
var_dump(\Lit\Atd\Client::init($redisHandler)->at($time, $message));
$redisHandler = new \Redis();
$topic = "topic1";
$msg = \Lit\Atd\Client::init($redisHandler)->pop($topic);
if (null !== $msg) {
var_dump($msg->uniq_id, $msg->body, $msg->topic);
$redisHandler = new \Redis();
$redisHandler->pconnect(""); //需使用长连接
//$topics 要监听的topic 必须为数组, 可同时监听多个 topic
$topics[] = "topic1";
$topics[] = "topic2";
\Lit\Atd\Client::init($redisHandler)->listen($topics, function (Message $message) {
var_dump($message->topic, $message->body, $message->uniq_id);
use \Lit\Atd\Mapper\Message;
$redisHandler = new \Redis();
//$message 消息体
$message = new Message();
$message->topic = "topic1";
$message->body = "消息体!";// . uniqid();
$message->uniq_id = ""; //唯一ID, 需和写入时的值相同