PHP code example of lirik44 / phpunit-retry-annotations

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lirik44/phpunit-retry-annotations library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lirik44 / phpunit-retry-annotations example snippets

 * @retryAttempts 2
class MyTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    use PHPUnitRetry\RetryTrait;

    public function testSomethingFlakeyTwice()
        // Retry a flakey test up to two times

     * @retryAttempts 3
    public function testSomethingFlakeyThreeTimes()
        // Retry a flakey test up to three times

 * @retryForSeconds 90
class MyTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    use PHPUnitRetry\RetryTrait;

    public function testSomethingFlakeyFor90Seconds()
        // retries for 90 seconds

     * @retryForSeconds 1800
    public function testSomethingFlakeyFor30Minutes()
        // retries for 30 minutes

 * @retryAttempts 3
 * @retryIfException MyApi\ResourceExhaustedException

 * @retryAttempts 3
 * @retryIfException MyApi\RateLimitExceededException
 * @retryIfException ServiceUnavailableException

 * @retryAttempts 3
 * @retryIfMethod isRateLimitExceededException
public function testWithCustomRetryMethod()
    // retries only if the method `isRateLimitExceededException` returns true.

 * @param Exception $e
private function isRateLimitExceededException(Exception $e)
    // Check if HTTP Status code is 429 "Too many requests"
    return ($e instanceof HttpException && $e->getStatusCode() == 429);

 * @retryAttempts 3
 * @retryIfMethod exceptionStatusCode 429
public function testWithCustomRetryMethod()
    // retries only if the method `exceptionStatusCode` returns true.

 * @param Exception $e
private function exceptionStatusCode(Exception $e, $statusCode)
    // Check if HTTP status code is $statusCode
    return ($e instanceof HttpException && $e->getStatusCode() == $statusCode);

 * @retryAttempts 3
 * @retryDelaySeconds 10

 * @retryAttempts 3
 * @retryDelayMethod exponentialBackoff

 * This test will delay with exponential backoff, with a maximum delay of 10 minutes.
 * @retryAttempts 30
 * @retryDelayMethod exponentialBackoff 600

 * @retryAttempts 3
 * @retryDelayMethod myCustomDelay
public function testWithCustomDelay()
    // retries using the method `myCustomDelay`.

 * @param int $attempt The current test attempt
private function myCustomDelay($attempt)
    // Doubles the sleep each attempt, but not longer than 10 seconds.
    sleep(min($attempt * 2, 10));

 * @retryAttempts 3
 * @retryDelayMethod myCustomDelay 10 60
public function testWithCustomDelay()
    // retries using the method `myCustomDelay`.

 * @param int $attempt The current test attempt.
 * @param int $multiplier Rate of exponential backoff delay.
 * @param int $maxDelay Maximum time to wait regardless of retry attempt.
private function myCustomDelay($attempt, $multiplier, $maxDelay)
    // Increases exponentially
    sleep(min($attempt * $multiplier, $max));