PHP code example of liquidweb / php-stormondemand

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download liquidweb/php-stormondemand library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


liquidweb / php-stormondemand example snippets

	iUser = "api_user";
	$apiPass = "api_pass";
	$apiMethod = "storm/server/list";
	$paramsArray = FALSE;
	$apiVersion = "v1";
	$storm = new \LiquidWeb\StormAPI($apiUser, $apiPass, $apiMethod, $paramsArray, $apiVersion);
	$storm->addParam("page_size", 999);
	$results = $storm->request();
	foreach($results['items'] as $item)
		echo $item['domain']  . " || " . $item['uniq_id'] . "\n"; 

	iUser = "api_user";
	$apiPass = "api_pass";
	$apiMethod = "storm/server/list";
	$paramsArray = array('page_size' => 999);
	$apiVersion = "v1";
	$storm = new \LiquidWeb\StormAPI($apiUser, $apiPass, $apiMethod, $paramsArray, $apiVersion);
	$results = $storm->request();
	foreach($results['items'] as $item)
		echo $item['domain']  . " || " . $item['uniq_id'] . "\n"; 