PHP code example of linwj / exchanges

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download linwj/exchanges library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


linwj / exchanges example snippets

$exchanges=new Exchanges('binance');
$exchanges=new Exchanges('bitmex');
$exchanges=new Exchanges('okex');
$exchanges=new Exchanges('huobi');
$exchanges=new Exchanges('kucoin');

$exchanges=new Exchanges('binance',$key,$secret);
$exchanges=new Exchanges('bitmex',$key,$secret);
$exchanges=new Exchanges('okex',$key,$secret,$passphrase);
$exchanges=new Exchanges('huobi',$key,$secret,$account_id);
$exchanges=new Exchanges('kucoin',$key,$secret,$passphrase);

 * Buy()   Sell()   Show() Uniform parameter return
 * @return [
 *      ***Return to original data
 *      ...
 *      ...
 *      ***Returns custom data in a uniform return parameter format with '_' underscore
 *      _filled_qty=>Number of transactions completed
 *      _price_avg=>Average transaction price
 *      _filed_amount=>transaction price
 *      _order_id=>system ID
 *      _client_id=>custom ID
 * ]
 * */
 * System error
 * http request code 400 403 500 503
 * @return [
 *      _error=>[
 *          ***Return to original data
 *          ...
 *          ...
 *          ***Returns custom data in a uniform return parameter format with '_' underscore
 *          _method => POST
 *          _url =>
 *          _httpcode => 400
 *      ]
 * ]
 * */

    //Set the request timeout to 60 seconds by default


//Support for original parameters

//okex default V3
//$exchanges->setPlatform('spot')->setVersion('v5');// Use V5
//Support for original parameters

//Support for original parameters

//Support for original parameters

//okex default V3
//$exchanges->setPlatform('spot')->setVersion('v5');// Use V5
//Support for original parameters

//Support for original parameters

//Support for original parameters

//Support for original parameters

//okex default V3
//$exchanges->setPlatform('future')->setVersion('v5');// Use V5
    '_entry'=>true,//buy=ture |  buy=false
    '_entry'=>true,//sell=ture |  sell=false

//Support for original parameters
    'type'=>1,//1:open long 2:open short 3:close long 4:close short
    'leverage'=>10,//10x or 20x leverage
    'match_price' => 1,

    '_entry'=>true,//true:open  false:close
//Support for original parameters
    'symbol'=>'XRP',//string false "BTC","ETH"...
    'contract_type'=>'quarter',//string false Contract Type ("this_week": "next_week": "quarter":)
    'contract_code'=>'XRP190927',//string false BTC180914
    //'price'=>'0.3',// decimal true Price
    'volume'=>'1',//long true Numbers of orders (amount)
    //'direction'=>'buy',// string  true    Transaction direction
    'offset'=>'open',// string  true    "open", "close"
    'order_price_type'=>'opponent',//"limit", "opponent"
    'lever_rate'=>20,//int true Leverage rate [if“Open”is multiple orders in 10 rate, there will be not multiple orders in 20 rate

//Support for original parameters

//Support for original parameters

//okex default V3
//$exchanges->setPlatform('future')->setVersion('v5');// Use V5
    '_entry'=>true,//open long
//Support for original parameters
    'type'=>1,//1:open long 2:open short 3:close long 4:close short
    'leverage'=>10,//10x or 20x leverage
    'match_price' => 0,

    '_entry'=>true,//true:open  false:close
//Support for original parameters
    'symbol'=>'XRP',//string false "BTC","ETH"...
    'contract_type'=>'quarter',//string false Contract Type ("this_week": "next_week": "quarter":)
    'contract_code'=>'XRP190927',// string  false   BTC180914
    'price'=>'0.3',//decimal true Price
    'volume'=>'1',//long true Numbers of orders (amount)
    //'direction'=>'buy',// string  true Transaction direction
    'offset'=>'open',// string  true    "open", "close"
    'order_price_type'=>'limit',//"limit", "opponent"
    'lever_rate'=>20,//int true Leverage rate [if“Open”is multiple orders in 10 rate, there will be not multiple orders in 20 rate



//okex default V3
//$exchanges->setPlatform('spot')->setVersion('v5');// Use V5

//huobi spot
//huobi future

//Get current account information.

//bargaining transaction
    //Default return all

//okex  spot
//This endpoint supports getting the balance, amount available/on hold of a token in spot account.

//okex future
//Get the information of holding positions of a contract.

//okex swap

//huobi spot

//huobi future

$exchanges=new Exchanges('binance',$key,$secret);

$exchanges=new Exchanges('bitmex',$key,$secret);

$exchanges=new Exchanges('okex',$key,$secret);

$exchanges=new Exchanges('huobi',$key,$secret);

    'symbol'=>'XRP',//string    false   "BTC","ETH"...
    'contract_type'=>'quarter',//   string  false   Contract Type ("this_week": "next_week": "quarter":)
    'contract_code'=>'XRP190927',// string  false   BTC180914
    'price'=>'0.3',//   decimal true    Price
    'volume'=>'1',//    long    true    Numbers of orders (amount)
    'direction'=>'buy',//   string  true    Transaction direction
    'offset'=>'open',// string  true    "open", "close"
    'order_price_type'=>'limit',//"limit", "opponent"
    'lever_rate'=>20,//int  true    Leverage rate [if“Open”is multiple orders in 10 rate, there will be not multiple orders in 20 rate
    //'client_order_id'=>'',//long  false   Clients fill and maintain themselves, and this time must be greater than last time

$binance=new Binance($key,$secret);

$binance=new BinanceFuture($key,$secret);

$bitmex=new Bitmex($key,$secret);

$okex=new OkexSpot($key,$secret,$passphrase);

$okex=new OkexFuture($key,$secret,$passphrase);

$okex=new OkexSwap($key,$secret,$passphrase);

$huobi=new HuobiSpot($key,$secret);

$huobi=new HuobiFuture($key,$secret);
    'symbol'=>'XRP',//string    false   "BTC","ETH"...
    'contract_type'=>'quarter',//   string  false   Contract Type ("this_week": "next_week": "quarter":)
    'contract_code'=>'XRP190927',// string  false   BTC180914
    'price'=>'0.3',//   decimal true    Price
    'volume'=>'1',//    long    true    Numbers of orders (amount)
    'direction'=>'buy',//   string  true    Transaction direction
    'offset'=>'open',// string  true    "open", "close"
    'order_price_type'=>'limit',//"limit", "opponent"
    'lever_rate'=>20,//int  true    Leverage rate [if“Open”is multiple orders in 10 rate, there will be not multiple orders in 20 rate
    //'client_order_id'=>'',//long  false   Clients fill and maintain themselves, and this time must be greater than last time