PHP code example of lifeonscreen / nova-google2fa

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lifeonscreen/nova-google2fa library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lifeonscreen / nova-google2fa example snippets

use Lifeonscreen\Google2fa\Models\User2fa;


 * @return HasOne
public function user2fa(): HasOne
    return $this->hasOne(User2fa::class);

    'middleware' => [

return [
     * Disable or enable middleware.
    'enabled' => env('GOOGLE_2FA_ENABLED', true),

    'models' => [
         * Change this variable to path to user model.
        'user' => 'App\User',
         * Change this if you need a custom connector
        'user2fa' => User2fa::class,
    'tables' => [
         * Table in which users are stored.
        'user' => 'users',

    'recovery_codes' => [
         * Number of recovery codes that will be generated.
        'count'          => 8,

         * Number of blocks in each recovery code.
        'blocks'         => 3,

         * Number of characters in each block in recovery code.
        'chars_in_block' => 16,

         * The following algorithms are currently supported:
         *  - PASSWORD_DEFAULT
         *  - PASSWORD_BCRYPT
         *  - PASSWORD_ARGON2I // available from php 7.2
        'hashing_algorithm' => PASSWORD_BCRYPT,
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lifeonscreen\Google2fa\ToolServiceProvider"
$ php artisan migrate