PHP code example of libcast / jobqueue

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download libcast/jobqueue library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


libcast / jobqueue example snippets

use JobQueue\Domain\Job\ExecutableJob;
use JobQueue\Domain\Task\Task;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait;

final class DummyJob implements ExecutableJob
    use LoggerAwareTrait;

     * @param Task $task
    function setUp(Task $task)
        // This is called before the `perform()` method
        /** @todo prepare the job execution */

     * @param Task $task
    function perform(Task $task)
        /** @todo do the job! */

     * @param Task $task
    function tearDown(Task $task)
        // This is called after the `perform()` method
        /** @todo clean up after the job execution */

use JobQueue\Domain\Task\Profile;
use JobQueue\Domain\Task\Task;
use JobQueue\Tests\Domain\Job\DummyJob;

$task = new Task(
    new Profile('foobar'),
    new DummyJob,
        'foo' => 'bar',
        // [...]

use JobQueue\Infrastructure\RedisQueue;
use Predis\Client;

$predis = new Client('tcp://localhost:6379');
$queue = new RedisQueue($predis);

use JobQueue\Infrastructure\ServiceContainer;

$queue = ServiceContainer::getInstance()->queue;

/** @var \JobQueue\Domain\Task\Queue $queue */
/** @var \JobQueue\Domain\Task\Task $task */


use JobQueue\Infrastructure\ServiceContainer;

$dispatcher = ServiceContainer::getInstance()->dispatcher;
$dispatcher->addListener('task.failed', function ($event) {
    /** @var \JobQueue\Domain\Task\TaskHasFailed $event */
    $task = $event->getTask();
    // Do something...