1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lianzh/sql library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
lianzh / sql example snippets
\LianzhSQL\Sql::ds # get data source object
\LianzhSQL\Sql::assistant # Sql auxiliary class object obtained
use LianzhSQL\SqlHelper;
function assertEqual($var1,$var2){
if ($var1 !== $var2)
throw new Exception('Not Equal .');
$ds = JptestApp::$ds;
/* @var $ds SqlDataSource */
$cond = "author_id=123 AND bookname='仓一鼠'";
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id=123 AND bookname='仓一鼠'");
// ? Is an array
$cond = array(
'author_id' => 123,
'bookname' => '仓一鼠',
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id = 123 AND bookname = '仓一鼠'");
// > < !=
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array(123, '>'),
'bookname' => '仓一鼠',
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id > 123 AND bookname = '仓一鼠'");
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array(123, '<'),
'bookname' => '仓一鼠',
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id < 123 AND bookname = '仓一鼠'");
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array(123, '!='),
'bookname' => '仓一鼠',
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id != 123 AND bookname = '仓一鼠'");
// fuzzy query
$cond = array(
'bookname' => array('%仓一鼠%','LIKE'),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"bookname LIKE '%仓一鼠%'");
// 'IN','NOT IN'
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array( array(123,124,125) ),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id IN (123,124,125)");
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array( array(123,124,125), 'IN'),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id IN (123,124,125)");
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array( array(123,124,125), 'NOT IN'),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id NOT IN (123,124,125)");
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array( array(10,25), 'BETWEEN_AND'),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id BETWEEN 10 AND 25");
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array( array(10,25), 'NOT_BETWEEN_AND'),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 25");
// author_id > 15 OR author_id < 5 AND author_id != 32
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array(
array( array(15,'>','OR'),array(5,'<','AND'), array(32,'!=') ) ,
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result," (author_id > 15 OR author_id < 5 AND author_id != 32)");
// OR AND connector
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array(123, '!=' ,'AND'),
'bookname' => array('仓一鼠', '=' ,'OR'),
'book_price' => array(45, '<=' ,'AND'),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id != 123 AND bookname = '仓一鼠' OR book_price <= 45");
// Special characters in the value of the incoming condition will be automatically escaped by qstr
$cond = array(
'bookname' => array("%色'色%",'LIKE'),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
// note osc 'There is a problem with symbol resolution, so 2 \
assertEqual($result,"bookname LIKE '%色\\'色%'");
// 数据表字段名比较
$cond = array(
'author_id' => array(123, '!=' ,'AND'),
'book_price' => array("market_parce",'>','AND',true),
$result = SqlHelper::parse_cond($ds,$cond,FALSE);
assertEqual($result,"author_id != 123 AND book_price > market_parce");
Description of configuration information
1. type = mysql/mariadb
dbpath: mysql:host=${host};port=${port};dbname=${database}
initcmd: [
SET NAMES '${charset}',
2. type = pgsql
dbpath: pgsql:host=${host};port=${port};dbname=${database}
initcmd: [
SET NAMES '${charset}',
3. type = sybase
dbpath: sybase:host=${host};port=${port};dbname=${database}
initcmd: [
SET NAMES '${charset}',
4. type = sqlite
dbpath: sqlite:${file}
initcmd: [
5. type = mssql
dbpath: sqlsrv:server=${host};port=${port};database=${database}
dbpath: dblib:host=${host};port=${port};dbname=${database}
initcmd: [
SET NAMES '${charset}',
If you want to use persistent connections, you can configure attr parameters
attr: [
The PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC used by the class cannot be changed
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