PHP code example of lgrevelink / laravel-custom-query-builder

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lgrevelink/laravel-custom-query-builder library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lgrevelink / laravel-custom-query-builder example snippets




class SomeModel extends Model
    use LGrevelink\CustomQueryBuilder\Concerns\HasCustomQueryBuilder;

    protected $queryBuilder = App\QueryBuilders\MyQueryBuilder::class;

$builder = SomeModel::select();

// Using direct filters on the query builder
$builder->filterOnCategories([1, 2]);

// Enforcing the naming structure
$builder->applyFilter('property', 1234); // Calls filterOnProperty
$builder->applyFilter('category', [1, 2]); // Calls filterOnCategories
$builder->applySorting('category', 'asc'); // Calls sortByCategory
$builder->applySorting('title', 'asc'); // Calls sortByTitle

// Setting them in bulk
    'property' => 1234,
    'category' => [1, 2],
); // Calls both filterOnProperty and filterOnCategories

    'category' => 'asc',
    'title' => 'asc',
]); // Calls both sortByCategory and sortByTitle

class MyQueryBuilder extends CustomQueryBuilder
    protected $globalScopes = [

class ProductQueryBuilder extends CustomQueryBuilder
    public function joinCategories() {
        return $this->joinOnce('categories', '', 'products.category_id');

    public function filterOnCategoryStatus(string $status) {
        return $this->joinCategories()->where('categories.status', $status);

    public function filterOnCategoryTitle(string $title) {
        return $this->joinCategories()->where('categories.title', 'LIKE', $title);
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LGrevelink\CustomQueryBuilder\ServiceProvider"
php artisan make:query-builder MyQueryBuilder