PHP code example of lewestopher / cakephp-monga

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lewestopher/cakephp-monga library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lewestopher / cakephp-monga example snippets

// In project_root/config/bootstrap.php:


// In project_root/config/app.php:

'Datasources' => [

    'default' => [
        // ... Default SQL Datasource

    'mongo_db' => [
        'className' => 'CakeMonga\Database\MongoConnection',

class ExampleController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $cake_monga = ConnectionManager::get('mongo_db');

$cake_monga = ConnectionManager::get('mongo_db');
$mongodb = $cake_monga->connect(); // An instance of the Monga Connection object
$database_list = $mongodb->listDatabases(); // We can call all of the methods on that Monga object provided by their API

$cake_monga = ConnectionManager::get('mongo_db');
$mongodb = $cake_monga->connect();

// Alternatively:

$mongodb = Monga::connection($dns, $config_opts);

// In project_root/config/app.php: 

'Datasources' => [

    'default' => [
        // ... Default SQL Datasource

    'mongo_db' => [
        'className' => 'CakeMonga\Database\MongoConnection',
        'logger' => null,
        'authMechanism' => null,
        'authSource' => null,
        'connect' => true,
        'connectTimeoutMS' => 60000,
        'db' => null,
        'dns' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
        'fsync' => null,
        'journal' => null,
        'gssapiServiceName' => 'mongodb',
        'username' => null,
        'password' => null,
        'readPreference' => null,
        'readPreferenceTags' => null,
        'replicaSet' => null,
        'secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS' => 15,
        'socketTimeoutMS' => 30000,
        'ssl' => false,
        'w' => 1,
        'wTimeoutMS' => 10000

// In project_root/config/app.php:

'Datasources' => [

    'mongo_db' => [
        'className' => 'CakeMonga\Database\MongoConnection',
        'dns' => 'mongodb://'

class BaseCollection {
    public function getCollection();
    public function find($query = [], $fields = [], $findOne = false);
    public function findOne($query = [], $fields = []);
    public function drop();
    public function listIndexes();
    public function save($document, $options = []);
    public function update($values = [], $query = null, $options = []);
    public function insert(array $data, $options = []);
    public function remove($criteria, $options = []);
    public function truncate();
    public function aggregate($aggregation = []);
    public function distinct($key, $query = []);
    public function count($query = []);

// Define a custom User collection at src/Model/MongoCollection/UserCollection.php. 
use CakeMonga\MongoCollection\BaseCollection;

class UsersCollection extends BaseCollection
    public function getUsersNamedJohn()
        return $this->find(['name' => 'John']);

// We can retrieve this UsersCollection by using the static ::get() method on CollectionRegistry
use CakeMonga\MongoCollection\CollectionRegistry;

$users_collection = CollectionRegistry::get('Users');

$users_collection = CollectionRegistry::get('Users', [
    'connection' => 'secondary_mongo_datasource'

use CakeMonga\MongoCollection\BaseCollection;

class CustomCollection extends BaseCollection
    public function beforeFind($event, $query, $fields, $findOne);
    public function beforeSave($event, $document);
    public function afterSave($event, $document)
    public function beforeInsert($event, $data);
    public function afterInsert($event, $results)
    public function beforeUpdate($event, $values, $query)
    public function afterUpdate($event, $document);
    public function beforeRemove($event, $criteria);
    public function afterRemove($event, $result, $criteria);