PHP code example of level-2 / maphper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download level-2/maphper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


level-2 / maphper example snippets

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=maphpertest;host=', 'username', 'password');

$blogSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'blog', 'id');

$blogs = new \Maphper\Maphper($blogSource);

// Equivalent to SELECT * FROM blogs
foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
  echo $blog->title . '<br />';

//Equivalent to SELECT * FROM blogs WHERE id = 142
echo $blogs[142]->title;

//find blogs that were posted on a specific date
//Equivalent to SELECT * FROM blogs WHERE date = '2015-04-09'
$filteredBlogs = $blogs->filter(['date' => '2014-04-09']);

//this will only retrieve blogs that were matched by the filter
foreach ($filteredBlogs as $blog) {
	echo $blog->title;

//find blogs that were posted with the title "My Blog" by the author with the id of 7
//Equivalent to SELECT * FROM blogs WHERE title = 'My Blog' AND authorId = 7 
$filteredBlogs = $blogs->filter(['title' => 'My Blog'])->filter(['authorId' => 7]);

//this will only retrieve blogs that were matched by both filters
foreach ($filteredBlogs as $blog) {
	echo $blog->title;

foreach ($blogs->filter(['date' => '2014-04-09']) as $blog) {
  echo $blog->title;

//Equivalent to SELECT * FROM blogs LIMIT 5 ORDER BY date DESC
foreach ($blogs->limit(5)->sort('date desc') as $blog) {
  echo $blog->title;

//Equivalent to SELECT count(*) FROM lblogs
echo 'Total number of blogs is ' . count($blogs);

//Count the number of blogs in category 3
//Equivalent to SELECT count(*) FROM blogs WHERE categoryId =  3
echo count($blogs->filter(['categoryId' => 3]);

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=maphpertest;host=', 'username', 'password');
$blogSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'blog', 'id');
$blogs = new \Maphper\Maphper($blogSource);

$blog = new stdClass;

$blog->title = 'My Blog Title';
$blog->content = 'This is my first blog entry';

//Store the blog using the next available ID
$blogs[] = $blog;

echo 'The new blog ID is :' . $blog->id;

$blog = new stdClass;

$blog->title = 'My Blog Title';
$blog->content = 'This is my first blog entry';

//Store the blog with the primary key of 7
$blogs[7] = $blog;

$blog = new stdClass;

$blog->id = 7;
$blog->title = 'My Blog Title';
$blog->content = 'This is my first blog entry';

//Store the blog with the primary key of 7
$blogs[] = $blog;

$authorSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'author', 'id');
$authors = new \Maphper\Maphper($authorSource);

$author = $authors[123];
echo $author->name;

//Create a one-to-one relationship between blogs and authors (a blog can only have one author)
$relation = new \Maphper\Relation\One($authors, 'authorId', 'id');
$blogs->addRelation('author', $relation);

$blogs->addRelation('author', $relation);

foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
  echo $blog->title . '<br />';
  echo $blog->author->name . '<br />';

//Create a one-to-many relationship between blogs and authors (an author can have multiple blog entries)
//Joining from the 'id' field in the authors mapper to the 'authorId' field in the blogs mapper
$relation = new \Maphper\Relation\Many($blogs, 'id', 'authorId');
$authors->addRelation('blogs', $relation);

//Count all the blogs by the author with id 4
$authors[4]->name . ' has posted ' .  count($authors[4]->blogs)  . ' blogs:<br />';

//Loop through all the blogs created by the author with id 4
foreach ($authors[4]->blogs as $blog) {
    echo $blog->title . '<br />';

$authors = new \Maphper\Maphper(new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'author'));
$blogs = new \Maphper\Maphper(new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'blog', 'id'));
$blogs->addRelation('author', new \Maphper\Relation\One($authors, 'authorId', 'id'));

$blog = new stdClass;
$blog->title = 'My First Blog';
$blog->date = new \DateTime();
$blog->author = new stdClass;
$blog->author->name = 'Tom Butler';

$blogs[] = $blog;

$authors = new \Maphper\Maphper(new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'author'));
$blogs = new \Maphper\Maphper(new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'blog', 'id'))

$authors->addRelation('blogs', new \Maphper\Relation\Many($blogs, 'id', 'authorId'));

//Find the author with id 4
$author = $authors[4]; 

$blog = new stdClass;
$blog->title = 'My New Blog';
$blog->date = new \DateTime();

//Add the blog to the author. This will save to the database at the this point, you do not need to explicitly 
//Save the $author object after adding a blog to it.
$author->blogs[] = $blog;

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=maphpertest;host=', 'username', 'password');
$productSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'products', ['manufacturerId', 'partNumber']);
$products = new \Maphper\Maphper($productSource);

//Get the product with manufacturerId 7 and partNumber AC294
echo $products[7]['AC294']->name;

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=maphpertest;host=', 'username', 'password');
$productSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'products', ['manufacturerId', 'partNumber']);
$products = new \Maphper\Maphper($productSource);

$product = new stdClass;
$product->name 'Can of cola';

$products[1]['CANCOLA'] = $product;

$blog = new stdClass;
$blog->title = 'A blog entry';

//You can construct the date object using any of the formats availble in the inbuilt PHP datetime class
$blog->date = new \DateTime('2015-11-14');

//Find all blogs posted on 2015-11-14
$maphper->filter(['date' => new \DateTime('2015-11-14')]);

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=maphpertest;host=', 'username', 'password');
$blogs = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'blogs', 'id', ['editmode' => true]);

$blog = new stdClass;
$blog->title = 'A blog';
$blog->date = new \DateTime();
$blogs[] = $blog;

$blog = new stdClass;
$blog->title = 1;
$blogs[] = $blog;

$blog = new stdClass;
$blog->title = 'Another blog';
$blogs[] = $blog;

class Product {
	private $name;
	private $price;
	const TAX_RATE = 0.2;
	public function getTax() {
		return $this->price * self::TAX_RATE;
	public function getTotalPrice() {
		return $this->price + $this->getTax();
	public function setName($name) {
		$this->name = $name;

$dataSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'product', 'id');
$products = new \Maphper\Maphper($dataSource, ['resultClass' => 'Product']);

$product = $products[123];

echo get_class($product); //"Product" instance

//And as expected, the methods from Product are available:
$tax = $product->getTax();
$total = $product->getTotalPrice();

$product = new Product;
$product->setName('A Product');
//Write the product to the mapper. Even though $product->name is private it will still be stored
$products[] = $product;

class TaxCalculator {
	const TAX_RATE = 0.2;
	public function getTax($price) {
		return $price * self::TAX_RATE;

class Product {
	private $name;
	private $price;
	private $taxCalculator;
	public function __construct(TaxCalculator $taxCalculator) {
		$this->taxCalculator = $taxCalculator;
	public function getTax() {
		return $this->taxCalculator->getTax($this->price);
	public function getTotalPrice() {
		return $this->price + $this->getTax();

$dataSource = new \Maphper\Maphper($database, ['resultClass' => 'Product']);

$taxCalculator = new TaxCalculator;

$dataSource = new \Maphper\Maphper($database, ['resultClass' => function() use ($taxCalculator) {
	return new Product($taxCalculator);

$dice = new \Dice\Dice;

$dataSource = new \Maphper\Maphper($database, ['resultClass' => function() use ($dice) {
	return $dice->create('Product');

$actors = new \Maphper\Maphper(new \Maphper\Datasource\Database($pdo, 'actor', 'id'));
$movies = new \Maphper\Maphper(new \Maphper\Datasource\Database($pdo, 'movie', 'id'));

$cast = new \Maphper\Maphper(new \Maphper\Datasource\Database($pdo, 'cast', ['movieId', 'actorId']));

$actors->addRelation('movies', new \Maphper\Relation\ManyMany($cast, $movies, 'id', 'movieId'));

$movies->addRelation('actors', new \Maphper\Relation\ManyMany($cast, $actors, 'id', 'actorId'));

$actor = new \stdclass;
$actor->id = 123;
$actor->name = 'Samuel L. Jackson';

//save the actor
$actors[] = $actor;

//now add some movies to the actor
$movie1 = new \stdclass;
$movie1->title = 'Pulp Fiction';

$actor->movies[] = $movie1;

//now add some movies to the actor
$movie2 = new \stdclass;
$movie2->title = 'Snakes on a Plane';

$actor->movies[] = $movie2;

$actor = $actors[123];

echo $actor->name . ' was in the movies:' . "\n";

foreach ($actor->movies as $movie) {
	echo $movie->title . "\n";

$actor = new \stdclass;
$actor->id = 124;
$actor->name = 'John Travolta';
$actors[] = $actor;

//Find the movie 'Pulp Fiction and add it to John Travolta
$movie = $movies->filter(['title' =>'Pulp Fiction'])->item(0);
$actor->movies[] = $movie;

$movie = $movies->filter(['title' =>'Pulp Fiction'])->item(0);

echo 'The actors in ' . $movie->title . ' are :' . "\n";
foreach ($movie->actors as $actor) {
	echo $actor->name . "\n";

$actors->addRelation('movies', new \Maphper\Relation\ManyMany($cast, $movies, 'id', 'movieId'));
$movies->addRelation('actors', new \Maphper\Relation\ManyMany($cast, $actors, 'id', 'actorId'));

$actors->addRelation('roles', new \Maphper\Relation\ManyMany($cast, $movies, 'id', 'movieId', 'movie');
$movies->addRelation('cast', new \Maphper\Relation\ManyMany($cast, $actors, 'id', 'actorId', 'actor');

$actor = $actors[123];

//Find the movie 
$movie = $movies->filter(['title' =>'Pulp Fiction'])->item(0);

//Create a role
$role = new \stdClass;
//Set the character name for the role
$role->characterName = 'Jules Winnfield';
//Assign the movie to the role
$role->movie = $movie;
//Assign the role to the actor
$actor->roles[] = $role;

//Find the movie 
$movie = $movies->filter(['title' =>'Snakes on a Plane'])->item(0);
//Create a role
$role = new \stdClass;
//Set the character name for the role
$role->characterName = 'Neville Flynn';
//Assign the movie to the role
$role->movie = $movie;
//Assign the role to the actor
$actor->roles[] = $role;

$actor = $actors[123];

echo $actor->name . ' has the roles:' . "\n"
foreach ($actors[123]->roles as $role) {
    echo $role->characterName . ' in the movie . ' . $role->movie->title . "\n";

Samuel L. Jackson has the roles:
Jules Winnfield in Pulp Fiction
Neville Flynn in Snakes on a plane