PHP code example of levacic / laravel-whoops-editor-link

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download levacic/laravel-whoops-editor-link library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


levacic / laravel-whoops-editor-link example snippets

return [

	 * The path to the application root on the host machine.
	 * Don't use a trailing slash!
	'host' => '/home/username/www/application',

	 * The path to the application root on the guest machine.
	 * Don't use a trailing slash!
	'guest' => '/var/www/sites/application',


return [

	 * The path to the application root on the host machine.
	 * Don't use a trailing slash!
	'host' => getenv('APP_ROOT_HOST'),

	 * The path to the application root on the guest machine.
	 * Don't use a trailing slash!
	'guest' => getenv('APP_ROOT_GUEST'),


	'providers' => array(

		/** Various Illuminate service providers **/



php artisan config:publish levacic/laravel-whoops-editor-link