PHP code example of leonid74 / wildberries-api-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download leonid74/wildberries-api-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


leonid74 / wildberries-api-php example snippets

ithout Composer (and instead of "php/src/WbApiInterface.php");
// hp';

$token = '<you token x64>';
$dateFrom = '01-01-2022';
$dateTo = '19-01-2022';

try {
    // Create new client
    $WbApiClient = new WbApiClient( $token );

    // DEBUG level can be one of: DEBUG_NONE (default) or DEBUG_URL, DEBUG_HEADERS, DEBUG_CONTENT
    // no debug
    // $WbApiClient->debugLevel = WbApiClient::DEBUG_NONE;
    // only URL level debug
    // $WbApiClient->debugLevel = WbApiClient::DEBUG_URL;
    // only URL and HEADERS level debug
    // $WbApiClient->debugLevel = WbApiClient::DEBUG_HEADERS;
    // max level of debug messages to STDOUT
    // $WbApiClient->debugLevel = WbApiClient::DEBUG_CONTENT;
    $WbApiClient->debugLevel = WbApiClient::DEBUG_URL;

    // set the trottling of HTTP requests to 2 per second
    $WbApiClient->throttle = 2;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    die( "Critical exception when creating ApiClient: ({$e->getCode()}) " . $e->getMessage() );

 * Example: Get the sales
$sales = $WbApiClient->sales( $dateFrom );
if ( isset( $sales->is_error ) ) {
    echo "\nError: " . implode( '; ', $sales->errors );
} else {
    var_dump( $sales );

 * Example: Get the report detail by period
$reportDetailByPeriod = $WbApiClient->reportDetailByPeriod( $dateFrom, $dateTo );
if ( isset( $reportDetailByPeriod->is_error ) ) {
    echo "\nError: " . implode( '; ', $reportDetailByPeriod->errors );
} else {
    var_dump( $reportDetailByPeriod );

// You can set a common date (dateFrom) via the setDateFrom() function and then access other functions
// without passing the date
$WbApiClient->setDateFrom( $dateFrom );
$sales = $WbApiClient->sales();
$incomes = $WbApiClient->incomes();
