PHP code example of leomanu / laravel-users

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download leomanu/laravel-users library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


leomanu / laravel-users example snippets

    | Laravel-users setting

    // The parent blade file
    'laravelUsersBladeExtended'     => '', // ''

    // Enable `auth` middleware
    'authEnabled'                   => true,

    // Enable Optional Roles Middleware on the users assignments
    'rolesEnabled'                  => false,

     | Enable Roles Middlware on the usability of this package.
     | This      => 'App\User',

    // Use the provided blade templates or extend to your own templates.
    'showUsersBlade'                => '',
    'createUserBlade'               => 'laravelusers::usersmanagement.create-user',
    'showIndividualUserBlade'       => '',
    'editIndividualUserBlade'       => 'laravelusers::usersmanagement.edit-user',

    // Use Package Bootstrap Flash Alerts
    'enablePackageBootstapAlerts'   => true,

    // Users List Pagination
    'enablePagination'              => true,
    'paginateListSize'              => 25,

    // Enable Search Users- Uses jQuery Ajax
    'enableSearchUsers'             => true,

    // Users List JS DataTables - not recommended use with pagination
    'enabledDatatablesJs'           => false,
    'datatablesJsStartCount'        => 25,
    'datatablesCssCDN'              => '',
    'datatablesJsCDN'               => '',
    'datatablesJsPresetCDN'         => '',

    // Bootstrap Tooltips
    'tooltipsEnabled'               => true,
    'enableBootstrapPopperJsCdn'    => true,
    'bootstrapPopperJsCdn'          => '',

    // Icons
    'fontAwesomeEnabled'            => true,
    'fontAwesomeCdn'                => '',

    // Extended blade options for packages app.blade.php
    'enableBootstrapCssCdn'         => true,
    'bootstrapCssCdn'               => '',

    'enableAppCss'                  => true,
    'appCssPublicFile'              => 'css/app.css',

    'enableBootstrapJsCdn'          => true,
    'bootstrapJsCdn'                => '',

    'enableAppJs'                   => true,
    'appJsPublicFile'               => 'js/app.js',

    'enablejQueryCdn'               => true,
    'jQueryCdn'                     => '',

        php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelusers