PHP code example of leocello / sweet-enum

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download leocello/sweet-enum library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


leocello / sweet-enum example snippets

use Leocello\SweetEnum\SweetCase;
use Leocello\SweetEnum\SweetEnum;
use Leocello\SweetEnum\SweetEnumContract;

enum Status: string implements SweetEnumContract
    use SweetEnum;
        title: 'Active',
        color: 'green',
    case Active = 'active';

        title: 'Inactive',
        color: 'red',
    case Inactive = 'inactive';

echo Status::Active->title(); // Will print: Active
echo Status::Inactive->color(); // Will print: red

Status::Active->hi(); // Will return `null`;
Status::Active->hi('Hello'); // Will return `"Hello"`;
Status::Active->hi(default: 'Hello!'); // Will return `"Hello!"`;
Status::Active->hi(strict: true); // Wil throw an exception

public const DEFAULT = self::Active;

$status = Status::Active;


if ($status->isA(Status::class)) {
    // Do something

if ($status->isA(Color::class)) {
    // Not gonna happen

$status = Status::Active;


if ($status->is(Status::Inactive)) {
    // Not gonna happen

if ($status->is(Color::White)) {
    // Also not gonna happen as it already threw an exception :(

if ($status->is(Status::Active)) {
    // Do something

// Will return:
// [
//     'isOn' => true,
//     'value' => 'active',
//     'id' => 'active',
//     'name' => 'Active',
//     'title' => 'Active',
//     'color' => 'red',
// ]

Status::Active->toArray(['id', 'color']);
// Will return:
// [
//     'id' => 'active',
//     'color' => 'red',
// ]

$info = Color::getCasesInfo(SweetFields::Original);

// The variable $info will be an array where each value will be
// an associative array with the keys `value` and `name`


    color: 'green',
case Active = 'active';


// Accessing the value of color:
echo Status::Active->color();

// As you can access your computed value as the other
// "property" methods, then it doesn't need to be public
protected function getRgb(): array
    return sscanf($this->hex(), '#%02x%02x%02x');

protected function getComputedFields(): array
    return [
        'rgb' => $this->getRgb(),

// This is part of the implementation of enum Animal

    caseClass: AnimalCatCaseClass::class,
    title: 'Cat',
case Cat = 'cat';

// Implementation of class AnimalCatCaseClass
class AnimalCatCaseClass extends SweetCaseClass
    public function meow(): string
        return 'Meow!';

// Usage
echo Animal::Cat->meow(); // will print "Meow!"

// This is part of the implementation of enum Animal

public const DEFAULT_CASE_CLASS = AnimalCaseClass::class;

    caseClass: AnimalCatCaseClass::class,
    title: 'Cat',
case Cat = 'cat';

    title: 'Sheep',
case Sheep = 'sheep';

// Implementation of class AnimalCaseClass
class AnimalCaseClass extends SweetCaseClass
    public function meow(): string
        return 'Sorry, a '.strtolower($this->case->title()).' cannot meow';

// Implementation of class AnimalCatCaseClass
class AnimalCatCaseClass extends AnimalCaseClass
    public function meow(): string
        return 'Meow!';

// Usage
echo Animal::Cat->meow(); // will print "Meow!"
echo Animal::Sheep->meow(); // will print "Sorry, a sheep cannot meow"