PHP code example of lekoala / silverstripe-encrypt

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lekoala/silverstripe-encrypt library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lekoala / silverstripe-encrypt example snippets

class MySecureObject extends DataObject
    use HasEncryptedFields;

    private static $db = [
        "Name" => 'Varchar',
        "MyText" => EncryptedDBText::class,
        "MyHTMLText" => EncryptedDBHTMLText::class,
        "MyVarchar" => EncryptedDBVarchar::class,
        "MyNumber" => EncryptedNumberField::class,
        "MyIndexedVarchar" => EncryptedDBField::class,

    private static $indexes = [
        'MyIndexedVarcharBlindIndex' => true,
        'MyNumberBlindIndex' => true,
        'MyNumberLastFourBlindIndex' => true,

    public function getField($field)
        return $this->getEncryptedField($field);

    public function setField($fieldName, $val)
        return $this->setEncryptedField($fieldName, $val);

    [min] => 2
    [max] => 32
    [indexes] => 2
    [coincidence_count] => 8589934592
    [coincidence_ratio] => 9.3132257461548E-8
    [estimated_population] => 9223372036854775807

private static $db = [
    "MyNumber" => EncryptedNumberField::class . '(["output_size" => 4, "domain_size" => 10, "index_size" => 32])',

// create definition somewhere...
$map = (new JsonFieldMap())

$definition = EncryptHelper::convertJsonMapToDefinition($map);

// in your models...
private static $db = [
    "MyEncryptedJson" => EncryptedDBJson::class . "(['map' => '7551830f{\"fields\":{\"$6e616d65\":\"string\",\"$616374697665\":\"bool\",\"$616765\":\"int\"}}'])",

$singl = singleton(MyModel::class);
$obj = $singl->dbObject('MyEncryptedField');
$searchValue = $obj->getSearchValue($value);
$query = MyModel::get()->where(array('MyEncryptedFieldBlindIndex = ?' => $searchValue));

$singl = singleton(MyModel::class);
$obj = $singl->dbObject('MyEncryptedField');
$record = $obj->fetchRecord($value);

$record = MyModel::getByBlindIndex("MyEncryptedField", $value);
$list = MyModel::getAllByBlindIndex("MyEncryptedField", $value);

$someText = 'some text';
$encrypt = EncryptHelper::encrypt($someText);
$decryptedValue = EncryptHelper::decrypt($encrypt);


$file = $this->File();
// fine for one record, not fine in a loop! Use EncryptHelper::checkIfFileIsEncrypted with ID

$oldKey = EncryptHelper::getOldKey();
$old = EncryptHelper::getEngineForEncryption("nacl", $oldKey);
$result = $model->needsToRotateEncryption($old);
if($result) {
    $result = $model->rotateEncryption($old);

protected function writeBaseRecord($baseTable, $now)
    parent::writeBaseRecord($baseTable, $now);
    // After base record is written, we have an ID and therefore AAD has changed