PHP code example of leemason / tenantable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download leemason/tenantable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


leemason / tenantable example snippets

artisan migrate --path /vendor/leemason/tenantable/migrations

$tenant = new \LeeMason\Tenantable\Tenant();
$tenant->domain = '';
$tenant->driver = 'mysql';
$tenant->host = 'localhost';
$tenant->database = 'domain_com';
$tenant->username = 'root';
$tenant->password = '';
$tenant->prefix = 'prefix';

//fetch the resolver class either via the app() function or by injecting
$resolver = app('LeeMason\Tenantable\Resolver');

//check if a tenant was resolved
$resolver->isResolved(); // returns bool

//get the active tenant model
$tenant = $resolver->getActiveTenant(); // returns instance of \LeeMason\Tenantable\Tenant or null

//set the active tenant
$resolver->setActiveTenant(\LeeMason\Tenantable\Tenant $tenant); // fires a \LeeMason\Tenantable\Events\SetActiveTenantEvent event

//purge tenant connection

//reconnect tenant connection

//create by mass assignment
    'domain' => 'http://...'

//call then save
$tenant = \LeeMason\Tenantable\Tenant();
$tenant->domain = 'http://...';

//fetch all tenants
$tenant = \LeeMason\Tenantable\Tenant::all();

//fetch by domain
$tenant = \LeeMason\Tenantable\Tenant::where('domain', 'http://..')->first();

//fetch the resolver class either via the app() function or by injecting
$resolver = app('LeeMason\Tenantable\Resolver');

//store the current tenant
$resolvedTenant = $resolver->getActiveTenant();

//fetch all tenants and loop / call command for each
$tenants = \LeeMason\Tenantable\Tenant::all();
foreach($tenants as $tenant){
    $result = \Artisan::call('commandname', ['array' => 'of', 'the' => 'arguments']);

//restore the correct tenant

//fetch the resolver class either via the app() function or by injecting
$resolver = app('LeeMason\Tenantable\Resolver');

//store the current tenant
$resolvedTenant = $resolver->getActiveTenant();

//purge the tenant from the default connection

//call the command
$result = \Artisan::call('commandname', ['array' => 'of', 'the' => 'arguments']);

//restore the tenant connection as the default