PHP code example of leedavis81 / altr-ego

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download leedavis81/altr-ego library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


leedavis81 / altr-ego example snippets

// Given the following class (nice and private all round)
class Foo
    private $priv = 'This is a private variable';

    private $privArray = array('private array entry');

    private function privFunc($value)
        return $value;

    private static function privStatFunc($value)
        return $value;

// We first off create an alter ego
$alterEgo = AltrEgo::create(new Foo());

// Right, now lets get a hook on those private bits
echo $alterEgo->priv . PHP_EOL;
// Output: This is a private variable

// Woot, works, now lets set it to something else and see what happens
$alterEgo->priv = 'new private value';
echo $alterEgo->priv . PHP_EOL;
// Output: new private value

// This value remains on your object, even after retrieving it back with $alterEgo->getObject()
// now lets try some method calls
echo $alterEgo->privFunc('Private call') . PHP_EOL;
//Output: Private call

// Now then, onto arrays; You can pass in an array of parameters like so:
var_dump($alterEgo->privFunc('Private', 'call'));
array(2) {
  string(7) "Private"
  string(4) "call"

// You can push values straight into them using standard PHP array syntax. 
// But be aware, the array will be converted (and maintained) as an ArrayObject
$alterEgo->privArray[] = 'new value';
object(ArrayObject)#5 (1) {
  array(2) {
    string(19) "private array entry"
    string(9) "new value"

// You can add associative array values and unset them as you normally would in PHP
$alterEgo->privArray['assoc_key'] = 'private key value entry';
object(ArrayObject)#5 (1) {
  array(3) {
    string(19) "private array entry"
    string(9) "new value"
    string(23) "private key value entry"
object(ArrayObject)#5 (1) {
  array(2) {
    string(19) "private array entry"
    string(9) "new value"

// We also have the facility to execute static function that have private/protected visibility.
// It's rare you'll ever come across these, they're typically set as public so you'd normally call them directly
echo AltrEgo::callStatic($alterEgo, 'privStatFunc', 'private static call') . PHP_EOL;
// Output: private static call

// Also works with arrays
var_dump(AltrEgo::callStatic($alterEgo, 'privStatFunc', array('private', 'static', 'call'))); 
array(3) {
  string(7) "private"
  string(6) "static"
  string(4) "call"

// If at anytime you want to jump back into scope just fetch your object back.
// You can throw it back into AltrEgo::create() whenever you need
$backToScope = $alterEgo->getObject();