PHP code example of leandro980 / skebby-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download leandro980/skebby-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


leandro980 / skebby-bundle example snippets

return [
    // ...
    // ...
    Szopen\SkebbyBundle\SkebbyBundle::class => ['all' => true],

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Manager\SkebbyManager;

// ..

 * @Route("/skebby/status", name="skebby.status")
public function statusAction(SkebbyManager $skebby)

    $s = $skebby->getStatus();

    return $this->render('skebby/index.html.twig', [
        'status' => $s,

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Manager\SkebbyManager;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Data\Recipient;

// ..

 * @Route("/skebby/send", name="skebby.sendsms")
public function sendSmsAction(SkebbyManager $skebby)

    $sms = $skebby->createDefaultSms('Hello, this is a test message',
    [new Recipient('3331234567'), new Recipient('3207654321')]);

    $response = $skebby->sendSms($sms);

    return $this->render('skebby/index.html.twig', [
        'response' => $response,

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Auth\AuthenticatorFactory;


// Token authentication
$auth = AuthenticatorFactory::create('token')
// Session authentication
// $auth = AuthenticatorFactory::create('session')

// Used to authenticate in later API calls
$arrayAccess = $auth->login('username', 'password');

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Auth\AuthenticatorFactory;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Client\UserClient;


// Token authentication
$auth = AuthenticatorFactory::create('token')

$userClient = new UserClient('username', 'password', $auth);

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Auth\AuthenticatorFactory;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Client\SmsClient;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Data\Recipient;


// Token authentication
$auth = AuthenticatorFactory::create('token')

$smsClient = new SmsClient('username', 'password', $auth);

// Creating an sms
// You must choose which kind of SMS type to send 
$sms = new Sms(Sms::SMS_CLASSIC_KEY);

// Add a message
// SmsClient choose wich kind of encoding to use, between UCS2 and GSM, 
// authomatically parsing the message.
// It also counts chars available based on encoding, if the ength of the message exceeds the limit
// it raises a MessageLengthException
$sms->setMessage("Hello, this is a GSM encoded message");
// Substitutes message
$sms->setMessage("Hello, this is a UCS2 encoded message because of ç char");

// Set sender
// You can add sender only if your not using BASIC SMS and the aliasis registered to your account

// Creating and adding a Recipient
// When you create a "Recipient" it parses the phone number, if it's not valid it raises
// a \libphonenumber\NumberParseException 
$recipient = new Recipient("+393211234567");

// Sending SMS
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendSms($sms);
// You can choose to allow invalid recipients (that means that an invalid recipient 
// won't block the entire operation) and if you want have the remaining sms and credit
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendSms($sms, 
    true, // Allow invalid recipients
    true, // Return remaining
    true, // Return credit

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Auth\AuthenticatorFactory;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Client\SmsClient;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Data\Group;


// Creating and adding a recipient
$recipient = new Group("groupname");

// Sending SMS
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendGroupSms($sms);
// You can choose to allow invalid recipients (that means that an invalid recipient 
// won't block the entire operation) and if you want have the remaining sms and credit
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendGroupSms($sms, 
    true, // Allow invalid recipients
    true, // Return remaining
    true, // Return credit

// Adds a message with parameters
// The system recognizes the parameters in the text 
$sms->setMessage('Hello ${name}, i know your surname is ${surname}');

// Creating and adding a Recipient with parameters
$recipient = new Recipient("+393211234567");
$recipient->addVariable('name', 'John');
$recipient->addVariable('surname', 'Dorian');

// Sending SMS
// If just a Recipient does'nt contains all the parameters defined in message 
// it raises a MissingParameterException 
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendSms($sms);

$sms = $skebby->createDefaultSms('Hello, this is a test message');
$sms->addRecipient(new Recipient("+393211234567"));
// You can also add recipients in constructor
$sms = $skebby->createDefaultSms('Hello, this is a test message',
    [new Recipient('3331234567'), new Recipient('3207654321')]);