1. Go to this page and download the library: Download leaditin/code library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
leaditin / code example snippets
use Leaditin\Code\DocBlock;
use Leaditin\Code\Flag;
use Leaditin\Code\Generator\Factory;
use Leaditin\Code\Import;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Constant;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Method;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Property;
use Leaditin\Code\Tag;
use Leaditin\Code\Type;
use Leaditin\Code\Value;
use Leaditin\Code\Visibility;
$generator = (new Factory())->classGenerator();
new DocBlock(
'Short description',
'Long description',
new Tag('author', 'author@domain')
->addImport(new Import('MyNamespace\\MyDummyTrait'))
->addConstant(new Constant('CONST_A', 2, new Visibility(Visibility::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)))
->addConstant(new Constant('CONST_B', 3, new Visibility(Visibility::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)))
->addProperty(new Property('name', new Value('Some User'), new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING), new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PROTECTED)))
->addProperty(new Property('email', new Value('author@domain'), new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING), new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PROTECTED)))
->addMethod(new Method('name', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, 'return $this->name;', null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)))
->addMethod(new Method('email', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, 'return $this->email;', null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)));
echo $generator->generate();
namespace MyDummyNamespace;
use MyNamespace\MyDummyTrait;
* Short description
* Long description
* @author author@domain
class MyClass extends MyDummyClass implements MyDummyInterface
use MyDummyTrait;
public const CONST_A = 2;
public const CONST_B = 3;
* @var string
protected $name = 'Some User';
* @var string
protected $email = 'author@domain';
* @return string
public function name(): string
return $this->name;
* @return string
public function email(): string
return $this->email;
use Leaditin\Code\DocBlock;
use Leaditin\Code\Flag;
use Leaditin\Code\Generator\Factory;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Constant;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Method;
use Leaditin\Code\Type;
use Leaditin\Code\Visibility;
$generator = (new Factory())->interfaceGenerator();
new DocBlock(
'Short description',
'Long description'
->addConstant(new Constant('CONST_A', 2, new Visibility(Visibility::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)))
->addConstant(new Constant('CONST_B', 3, new Visibility(Visibility::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)))
->addMethod(new Method('name', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, null, null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)))
->addMethod(new Method('email', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, null, null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)));
echo $generator->generate();
namespace MyDummyNamespace;
* Short description
* Long description
interface MyInterface extends MyDummyInterface
public const CONST_A = 2;
public const CONST_B = 3;
* @return string
public function name(): string;
* @return string
public function email(): string;
use Leaditin\Code\DocBlock;
use Leaditin\Code\Flag;
use Leaditin\Code\Generator\Factory;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Method;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Property;
use Leaditin\Code\Type;
use Leaditin\Code\Value;
$generator = (new Factory())->traitGenerator();
new DocBlock(
'Short description',
'Long description'
->addProperty(new Property('name', new Value('Some User'), new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING), new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PROTECTED)))
->addProperty(new Property('email', new Value('author@domain'), new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING), new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PROTECTED)))
->addMethod(new Method('name', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, 'return $this->name;', null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)))
->addMethod(new Method('email', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, 'return $this->email;', null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)));
echo $generator->generate();
* Short description
* Long description
trait MyTrait
* @var string
protected $name = 'Some User';
* @var string
protected $email = 'author@domain';
* @return string
public function name(): string
return $this->name;
* @return string
public function email(): string
return $this->email;
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