PHP code example of lazywe / lazy-admin

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lazywe/lazy-admin library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lazywe / lazy-admin example snippets


     * Define the routes for the application.
    public function map()
     * 加载后台权限组
    protected function mapAdminRoutes()
            ->middleware('web', 'lazy-admin')
            ->namespace(sprintf("%s\Admin", $this->namespace)) 
            ->group(function ($router) {
                // 后台路由文件在routes下的admin目录下 路由文件分组
                foreach (glob(base_path('routes/admin') . '/*.php') as $file) {
                    $router->group([], $file);

    // ...

    // 控制角色 多个 |隔开
    Route::group(['middleware' => ['role:administrator']], function () {

    // 控制权限 多个 |隔开
    Route::group(['middleware' => ['permission:user-create']], function () {
    // 控制角色 多个|隔开 + 控制权限 多个|隔开
    Route::group(['middleware' => ['role:administrator','permission:user-create']], function () {
        // ...
    // 控制角色 或者 控制权限 多个|隔开
    Route::group(['middleware' => ['role_or_permission:administrator|user-create']], function () {

        // ...
        // ...

        // ...
        // ...

        // ...
        // ...

        // ...
        // ...

        // ...
        // ...

    // layout
    // ... 自定义html

    // css stack
        // ... css

    // js stack
        // ... 自定义