1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lawondyss/imager library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
lawondyss / imager example snippets
// Image accepts argument of image as instance of class Imager\ImageInfo (extends SplFileInfo)
$imageInfo = new Imager\ImageInfo('path/to/image.jpg');
$image = new Imager\Image($imageInfo);
// create over factory
// ImageFactory::create() accepts image name in string or instance of ImageInfo
$factory = new Imager\ImageFactory;
$image = $factory->create('path/to/image.jpg');
/** Thumbnails **/
// resize by width
$thumb = $image->resize(100); // instance of Imager\ImageInfo with temporary image
var_dump($thumb->getPathname()); // path to thumbnail
// resize by height
$thumb = $image->resize(null, 100);
// resize with crop, cropped image is centered
$thumb = $image->resize(100, 100);
// origin dimensions
$thumb = $image->resize(0, 0);
/** Quality **/
// set in third parameter, lower is worse, 0 is default quality
$thumb = $image->resize(0, 0, 25);
/** Send image to output **/
header('Content-Type: ' . $thumb->getMime());
header('Content-Length: ' . $thumb->getSize());
echo $thumb->getContent();
$factory = new Imager\ImageFactory;
// first argument is ls; if not set, then is same as directory for sources; autocreated
$repository = new Imager\Repository('path/to/sources', 'path/to/thumbnails');
// create ImageInfo of source image
$uploadImageInfo = $factory->createInfo('path/to/uploaded/image.jpg');
// source image has not source, therefore save to sources directory
// second optional argument defined new name for saved image
$sourceImageInfo = $repository->save($uploadImageInfo, 'image.jpg'); // instance of Imager\ImageInfo with saved source image
// fetch source image only by name
$imageInfo = $repository->fetch('image.jpg'); // instance of Imager\ImageInfo with source image
// created thumbnail
$thumb = $factory->create($imageInfo)->resize(100); // instance of Imager\ImageInfo with temporary thumbnail of image
// thumbnail has source, therefore save to thumbnails directory
$thumbImageInfo = $repository->save($thumb); // instance of Imager\ImageInfo with saved thumbnail
class ImagerPresenter extends BasePresenter
/** @var \Imager\Repository @inject */
public $repository;
/** @var \Imager\ImageFactory @inject */
public $factory;
public function renderDefault($id)
if (isset($id)) {
$this->template->imageFromString = $id;
$this->template->imageFromRepository = $this->repository->fetch($id);
protected function createComponentUploadForm()
$control = new Nette\Application\UI\Form;
$control->addSubmit('load', 'load image');
$control->onSuccess[] = $this->uploadFormSucceed;
return $control;
public function uploadFormSucceed(Nette\Application\UI\Form $form, $values)
$upload = $this->factory->createInfo($values->photo->getTemporaryFile());
$source = $this->repository->save($upload);
$this->redirect('default', $source->getFilename());
class EmailPresenter extends BasePresenter
/** @var \Imager\ImageFactory @inject */
public $factory;
public function actionSendEmail($email)
// ... defines $images as array with Imager\ImageInfo objects or names of images
$linksHtml = [];
foreach ($images as $image) {
$linksHtml = $this->createImg($this, $image);
// ... functionality for send e-mail
private function createImg($image, $width = null, $height = null)
$link = $this->factory->createLink($this, $image, $width, $height);
$img = Nette\Utils\Html::el('img', ['src' => $link]);
return $img->render();
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