PHP code example of laudis / neo4j-php-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download laudis/neo4j-php-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


laudis / neo4j-php-client example snippets

use Laudis\Neo4j\Authentication\Authenticate;
use Laudis\Neo4j\ClientBuilder;

$client = ClientBuilder::create()
    ->withDriver('bolt', 'bolt+s://user:password@localhost') // creates a bolt driver
    ->withDriver('https', '', Authenticate::basic('user', 'password')) // creates an http driver
    ->withDriver('neo4j', 'neo4j://', Authenticate::oidc('token')) // creates an auto routed driver with an OpenID Connect token

use Laudis\Neo4j\Contracts\TransactionInterface;

$result = $client->writeTransaction(static function (TransactionInterface $tsx) {
    $result = $tsx->run('MERGE (x {y: "z"}:X) return x');
    return $result->first()->get('x')['y'];

echo $result; // echos 'z'

    'MERGE (user {email: $email})', //The query is a added
    'backup' //The default connection can be overridden

use Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\Statement;

$statement = new Statement('MERGE (user {email: $email})', ['email' => '[email protected]']);
$client->runStatement($statement, 'default');

use Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\Statement;

$results = $client->runStatements([
    Statement::create('MATCH (x) RETURN x LIMIT 100'),
    Statement::create('MERGE (x:Person {email: $email})', ['email' => '[email protected]'])

use Laudis\Neo4j\Contracts\TransactionInterface;

// Do a simple merge and return the result
$result = $client->writeTransaction(static function (TransactionInterface $tsx) {
    $result = $tsx->run('MERGE (x {y: "z"}:X) return x');
    return $result->first()->get('x')['y'];

// Will result in an error
$client->readTransaction(static function (TransactionInterface $tsx) {
    $tsx->run('MERGE (x {y: "z"}:X) return x');

// This is a poorly designed transaction function
$client->writeTransaction(static function (TransactionInterface $tsx) use ($externalCounter) {
    $tsx->run('MERGE (x {y: $id}:X) return x', ['id' => Uuid::v4()]);

// This achieves the same effect but is safe in case it should be retried. The function is now idempotent.
$id = Uuid::v4();
$client->writeTransaction(static function (TransactionInterface $tsx) use ($id) {
    $tsx->run('MERGE (x {y: $id}:X) return x', ['id' => $id]);

use Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\Statement;

$tsx = $client->beginTransaction(
    // This is an optional set of statements to execute while opening the transaction
    [Statement::create('MERGE (x:Person({email: $email})', ['email' => '[email protected]'])],
    'backup' // This is the optional connection alias

$result = $tsx->run('MATCH (x) RETURN x LIMIT 100');
$result = $tsx->runStatement(Statement::create('MATCH (x) RETURN x LIMIT 100'));
$results = $tsx->runStatements([Statement::create('MATCH (x) RETURN x LIMIT 100')]);


$tsx->commit([Statement::create('MATCH (x) RETURN x LIMIT 100')]);

// Results are a CypherList
$results = $client->run('MATCH (node:Node) RETURN node, AS id');

// A row is a CypherMap
foreach ($results as $result) {
    // Returns a Node
    $node = $result->get('node');

    echo $node->getProperty('id');
    echo $result->get('id');

use Laudis\Neo4j\ParameterHelper;

$client->run('MATCH (x) WHERE x.slug in $listOrMap RETURN x', ['listOrMap' => ParameterHelper::asList([])]); // will return an empty CypherList
$client->run('MATCH (x) WHERE x.slug in $listOrMap RETURN x', ['listOrMap' => ParameterHelper::asMap([])]); // will error
$client->run('MATCH (x) WHERE x.slug in $listOrMap RETURN x', ['listOrMap' => []]); // will return an empty CypherList

$client = \Laudis\Neo4j\ClientBuilder::create()

 * The client will now return a result, decorated with a summary.
 * @var \Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\SummarizedResult $results
$summarisedResult = $client->run('MATCH (x) RETURN x');

// The summary contains extensive information such as counters for changed values in the database,
// information on the database, potential notifications, timing, a (profiled) plan, the type of query
// and information on the server itself.
$summary = $summarisedResult->getSummary();
// The result is exactly the same as the default.
$result = $summarisedResult->getResult();

use Laudis\Neo4j\ClientBuilder;

// A builder is responsible for configuring the client on a high level.
$builder = ClientBuilder::create();
// A client manages the drivers as configured by the builder.
$client = $builder->build();
// A driver manages connections and sessions.
$driver = $client->getDriver('default');
// A session manages transactions.
$session = $driver->createSession();
// A transaction is the atomic unit of the driver where are the cypher queries are chained.
$transaction = $session->beginTransaction();
// A transaction runs the actual queries
$transaction->run('MATCH (x) RETURN count(x)');

use Laudis\Neo4j\Basic\Driver;
use Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\DriverConfiguration;

$driver = Driver::create(
    uri: 'neo4j://user:mypassword@Localhost:7687',
    configuration: DriverConfiguration::create()->withUserAgent('MyApp/1.0.0')

use Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\SessionConfiguration;
use Laudis\Neo4j\Enum\AccessMode;

$session = $driver->createSession(SessionConfiguration::create()

use \Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\DriverConfiguration;
use Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\SessionConfiguration;
use Laudis\Neo4j\Databags\TransactionConfiguration;

$client = \Laudis\Neo4j\ClientBuilder::create()

// The client will run the query on a driver with the provided config,
// which spawns a session with the provided session config
// and runs the query in a transaction with the provided transaction config
$client->run('MATCH (x) RETURN count(x) AS count');

// More granular control can be achieved by requesting the concepts yourself:
$tsx = $client->getDriver('default')
    ->beginTransaction(null, TransactionConfiguration::default()->withTimeout(200));

